Episode 2 – The Barrier

A barrier is put up to seperate the men and women which leads to fighting between the genders.

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Filed under Episode 2

15 responses to “Episode 2 – The Barrier

  1. trevor

    It’s great that they have Sitara on the show. She is absolutely adorable.

  2. farah

    The situational humour is hilarious. I especially liked the scene where Yassar and Amaar were having a conversation about ‘feeling the presence of women’ with Sarah and the Mayor standing right behind them.

  3. ibrahim

    I can totally relate to some of the scenes. But is it only I that find in funny or do other cultures also see the humour?

  4. mo

    just watched the beginning, quite funny

  5. Jay

    I hope you’ll forgive my posing this question here (I’m a Christian, not a Muslim), but when I told one of my friends about LMotP, she asked me this, and I didn’t have a good answer.

    Is any special training required to be an imam? Most Christian churches (though not all) require that a pastor or priest go through some sort of seminary training before being given the leadership position of a church. But I don’t know enough about Muslim worship to know how an imam’s role differs from that of a pastor or priest.

    Thanks for any info you can provide! 🙂

  6. tom

    Baber really cracks me up. He has a pretty funny role on the show.

  7. Jay:

    For a brief introduction to Islam, please visit this link: http://www.thebcma.com/learn_islam_online.php

  8. Jay:

    Here’s a description of a Imam’s Portfolio. It has Qualifications, Responsibilities, Rights, and Hiring Procedures for an Imam:

    Here are some of the highlights:

    The imam should have the following qualifications:

    * Adequate knowledge of fiqh to teach and counsel the community on matter of fiqh. This should include general awareness of the differences of opinions and practices among different school of fiqh.
    * Comprehensive understanding of Islam
    * Memorized several small and medium surahs of the Qur’an to be able to lead jama’ah prayers.
    * Masters tajwid rules to ensure correct recitation of the Qur’an.
    * Adequate knowledge of the Sirah of the Prophet, and acquainted with hadith and its collection and usage.
    * Effective English Communication Skills.
    * Training in interfaith relations and is able to introduce Islam to people of other faiths.
    * Trained in family counseling.
    * Trained and have experience in delivering the Jum’ah Khutbah.

  9. Afzalun

    I’ve always been a strong believer that culture tends to define religion. When the show questioned the relevence of the barrier, it became a cultural debate rather than religious; since it was already clearly stated that no where in the Quran does it state that a barrier must be placed. Thus, the question remains, do we let culture regulate the context of religion? Compare Middle Eastern muslims to Canadian or American Muslims…you will see, that despite having the same religion and the same fundementals towards life, the practices of Islam still tend to differ….anyone agree?

  10. almostamira


    I don’t think you can control how other cultures affect religion. You just have to be as true to your religion as you can. I’m a firm believer that followers of any religion should take responsibility for reading their scriptures and understanding them themselves rather than having someone tell them how to practice the religion… That way you leave out the “Culture” and get the true religon.

  11. Afzalun

    Don’t get me wrong almostamira,
    I agree when you say that “followers of any religion should take responsibility for reading thier scriptures”; however my point was merely to say that no matter how devoted anyone is to thier religion, culture…meaning westernized, middle eastern, or even asian, influences religion. Not to say that culture controls religion, but more so that cultural attirubutes influence religion. Lets take for example, the western new year which is celebrated Jan 1st, where muslims in the western regions celebrate it as the begining of the year…muslims in the middle eastern regions only celebrate Ramadhan as the measurement of the muslim calender.

  12. almostamira

    Afzalun, I agree with you completely… dosen’t matter where you live culture will affect you… it is our duty to make sure it dosen’t define the religon. We need ensure that when we talk about our religon to others we don’t represent our culture as our religon. We should be able to seperate the two… I think this is why there is such confusion about Islam.

  13. abd

    I think if it is not contradicting Islam it is ok.
    But by the time people can not divide them.
    I think that is the problem

  14. and i never thought, that we was gonna see each othe. Essa Morty.

  15. As salaamu ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    I suppose that the hand-shaking can be excused since many of us who are practicing but raised in the West do not see this as a “haraam” or forbidden action.

    However, I was taken aback — seriously — by the obvious ommission of the phrase “peace be upon him” after the mention of the Prophet s.a.a.s. — even ONCE. It’s not even a question of whether it’s proper or improper on a show…it’s simply not accurate. When have you seen a practicing Muslim mention the Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. without attempting to even say “sala’Llahu ‘alayhi wasallim” or at least “peace be upon him” in English? It’s not an accurate depiction of the respect of practicing Muslims for the person who is the Prophet Muhammad, s.a.a.s.

    When Yassir goes to speak to the Imam Amar, he says that “it has no theological basis,” but theology is ” ‘aqeedah” in Islam; it covers the articles of faith. The question of a barrier is one of “fiqh” — jurisprudence/Religious Law — not one of theology. That was also an inaccurate description of Islamic Thought.

    The other minor objection I had was the little “Islam is a Democracy.” I mean…Islam is a World Religion. In its legal system it has aspects of Democracy, but in itself it is not a democracy and that seemed a bit…inaccurate.

    I just feel that if an Islamic Community is to be depicted in a show, it should be depicted in a more accurate way when it comes to matters of practice.

    These criticisms out of the way, I like the idea of the show, the situational humor, the acting and the depictions of typical prejudices against Muslims in the West. I also like the fact that at least one of the major characters is a revert/convert to the Faith.

    I’m sorry that I’m only now just catching on, but I’m from the States and I was not even aware that this show existed until I found out about it circumstancially via a different google search. I do want to thank you for your hard work and bringing a more open depiction of Muslims to the Non-Muslim Western Community. W-as-salaamu ‘aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.


    Manuel Fernando Nuñez C.
    ‘Abdul-Wadud ‘Ibn ‘Abdullah al-Maliki
    (The Mad Dervish)

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