Season 4 – Episode 17 – A Farewell to Amaars

Synopsis:When Baber takes over as Imam after getting Amaar fired, Baber allows a band of radical Muslims into the Mosque. But he gets more than he bargained for when the fundamentalists take over and frighten the Anglicans, finally giving Thorne the excuse he needs to act.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Videos courtesy of Mydien

What did you think of this episode? How does it compare to the previous episode? Are there any topics from the episode that you want to discuss?


Filed under Season 4 - Episode 17

266 responses to “Season 4 – Episode 17 – A Farewell to Amaars

  1. n

    Nice to show the muslims in the show in a different light regarding Amaar

  2. Nahida

    This episode was terrible. No reverend has that much time on his hands.

    • David

      In Mercy they do.

      The guy obviously has practically no congregation (we also didn’t see the previous Rev. too busy – he was always hanging with Amaar), so what does he have to do?

      Actually, I liked the episode. It shows Baber, an intelligent man, being swept up by his convictions and being taken to a place where he really doesn’t want to go. I think that’s a real life situation.

      Did you notice one point where Rayaan was looking at Amaar, when they were out in the field? I thought she had a certain look – and was hoping this would lead to a reignition of their unspoken attaction (too premature to call it love), which we haven’t seen at all since the non-wedding.

      • Nahida

        Weren’t these hints of attraction also present in the episode where that lady was giving everyone advice? The one where Sarah was in danger. And before that too. I’ve begun to think nothing of these hints since they seem come and go without leading anywhere. =/ Maybe we’re getting closer to that recognition but they’d better do something soon!

  3. Beth

    This episode wasn’t the best, but the emergency bake sale made me laugh–very Anglican. There are ladies at my church who would drop everything for a bake sale as well.

  4. David

    One more point:

    I think the episode was very timely, as it addressed the issue of Islam being “taken over” by the radicals, the result of which is damaging mostly to the Muslims themselves.

    And it showed that if one does not stand up to the extremists, there is no hope.

    • Delan

      i completely agree.

      the problem is that the muslims themselves have to stand against the islamist fanatism and say no more, a line must be drawn here.

      unfortunately this hasn’t happened yet and the extremists are the ones taking over and ruling the events without much resistance from their own faith fellows. the lack of resistance and refrain from the extremists who misuse islam for their agenda, from the muslim community worldwide, they cede the place to the islamists/ fanatics.
      the consequences are that by people not informed about islam, the image they have about islam is provided by the doings of islamist fanatics who do terrible things in the name of islam.
      this leads to the people seeing islam as dangerous, insane, extremist and intolerant and that threatens them.

      until muslims themselves don’t start to heavily stand up against the fanaticism which they have in their own surroundings and fight back by doing good, thus bringing their religion into a good light, the tensions we have today will continue to worsen.

      unfortunately until this day this has not happened and this is really really sad.

      • Nahida

        If it happened, would you know?

        The situation with whether Muslims fight back is pretty close to being the same as with the good, quiet, mind-you-own business Christians the media ignores.

        You wouldn’t know because good news isn’t reported.

  5. mike

    I don’t quite agree. The show itself is a sign of Muslims doing something about the situation, congrats to Zarqa Nawaz on making this happen. Besides, everyday Muslims do “fight back by doing good”, its just that the marginal and the misguided get their voice heard much easier through the media.

    • David

      I never said whether they are or are not fighting back. There’s no question one cannot rely on the media.

      All I said was that the episode addressed an issue which is quite important. Whether it is being tackled or not is something Muslims themselves have to deal with, no one else.

  6. Delan

    strange, my post was not posted…
    i’ll try again later

  7. Delan

    Yes Nahida, I guess I would know. Obviously i don’t know everything but i read newspapers and follow current events.

    i am not saying there are NONE, indeed there are very positive examples of good deeds in the name of islam and positive developments from muslims. just to mention a few, where the muslim community in malaysia formed a neighborhood watch to protect their christian neighbors and to defend their churches after “islamic” extremists had attacked christians and set their churches on fire. (there was a similar incident in indonesia, where the muslims stood up for theit christian fellows). I read this in my local newspaper.

    another example is sheikh dr. tahir ul-qadri who issued a fatwa against terrorism (which was/is widely covered in newspapers).

    as you see the positive occurrences are indeed reported as well; it is a poor excuse to say that the media shows islam only in the context with terrorism. or you are simply poorly informed and should read more newspapers or watch balanced news, maybe international news too (the internet is a good place to start with e.g. BBC).

    The examples I mentioned before give me hope, hope that there are indeed people who practice good islam and present a good example of islam.

    unfortunately those occurrences are to rare and the worldwide muslim community must start to stand up more actively against terrorism which is carried out in the name of islam and with good examples such as the one i mentioned, show the world the true face of islam so that people begin to see that the islamist terrorism is not what islam is about but that terrorists are people who abuse islam to justify their wrongdoing.

    people need to see good examples of islam, and those are nowadays just to rare unfortunately.

  8. Delan

    Yes Nahida, I guess I would know. Obviously i don’t know everything but i read newspapers and follow current events.

    i am not saying there are NONE, indeed there are very positive examples of good deeds in the name of islam and positive developments from muslims. just to mention a few, where the muslim community in malaysia formed a neighborhood watch to protect their christian neighbors and to defend their churches after “islamic” extremists had attacked christians and set their churches on fire. (there was a similar incident in indonesia, where the muslims stood up for theit christian fellows). I read this in my local newspaper.

  9. Delan

    another example is sheikh dr. tahir ul-qadri who issued a fatwa against terrorism (which was/is widely covered in newspapers).

    as you see the positive occurrences are indeed reported as well; it is a poor excuse to say that the media shows islam only in the context with terrorism. or you are simply poorly informed and should read more newspapers or watch balanced news, maybe international news too (the internet is a good place to start with e.g. BBC).

    The examples I mentioned before give me hope, hope that there are indeed people who practice good islam and present a good example of islam.

    unfortunately those occurrences are to rare and the worldwide muslim community must start to stand up more actively against terrorism which is carried out in the name of islam and with good examples such as the one i mentioned, show the world the true face of islam so that people begin to see that the islamist terrorism is not what islam is about but that terrorists are people who abuse islam to justify their wrongdoing.

    people need to see good examples of islam, and those are nowadays just to rare unfortunately.

  10. Delan

    @ Moderator

    could you please delete my repeated two last posts? somehow I reposted the same text several times, sorry.

    Thank you

  11. Episode 18 is online 🙂

  12. Steve

    It’s time for them to get a new Imam for the show just like they replaced the pastor this season.


    Amaar Rashid is a young, attractive Canadian.

    And that’s the problem. He ain’t “scary” enough.

    When he walks around, he walks around with normal clothes on. He doesn’t even have an accent.

    If you didn’t actually know he was an Imam you would think he was just another Canadian. Sure he has a darker color skin, but Canadians aren’t biased against people for the color of their skin. For the most part at least.

    What this show needs is an Imam that looks and sounds more like Baber and Faisal. Yeah let him be of the same moderate Muslim viewpoint that Amaar is but “frighten him up” somewhat. Having Amaar as Imam is really unfair. Sure Mercy can tolerate Muslims led by a young, Canadian sounding, and behaving, person like Amaar, but would it accept someone like Faisal being the Imam, even if it was someone with only the look and thick accent of Faisal but with the same moderate outlook as Amaar.

  13. Steve

    At the very least they should consider this as an episode idea for next year (as they sure need better ideas for next year).

    To prove a point about how tolerant the people of Mercy are Amaar accepts Rev. Thorne’s challenge to wear “traditional clothes” for a week only to find out that Rev. Thorne might be right.

    Amaar: “It shows that even with differences in religion, once people get to know each other they can still find community with and acceptance of each other.”

    Thorne: “Oh, you think that’s what it shows huh? Acceptance of differences?”

    Amaar: “What do you mean, of course that’s what it shows. Once people get to know each other the differences between them are overshadowed by the commonality we all share as part of humankind.”

    Thorne: “Especially when you try to hid the differences.”

    Amaar: “What do you mean?”

    Thorne: “Why do you think it was you who I targeted to get rid of first in order to get the Mosque out of my church?”

    Amaar: “Because I am the Imam. I am the spiritual leader of the community.”

    Thorne: “Eh, only partly. Mostly it’s because you are the most normal looking of the whole bunch.”


    Thorne:”You dress like one of us. You talk like one of us, heck, if you changed your named from Amaar to oh I don’t know say Andy or Adam you would practically be one of us.”

    Amaar: “Like one of us? I was born in Toronto.”

    Thorne: “Exactly, and that is what people see when they see you walking down the street. One of us.”

    Amaar: “What?”

    Thorne: “Now, you take your Baba friend over there…”

    Amaar: “That’s Baber…”

    Thorne: “Yeah, you take your hair dressing friend over there and dressed like him I bet you would see a whole different degree of …’tolerance’.”

    Amaar: “We will see about that. People aren’t as shallow as you think. I will dress traditionally for one week and I will prove to you that I will not be treated differently…”

    Thorne: “You have gotten as far as you have in Mercy with your good looks and as some of my female parishioners have said as of course I haven’t noticed myself your ‘tight butt’. Start wearing clothing like you just got off some boat from loserstan and see how far you will get! No cheating now by hiding in the office here. You have to go all around town like that.”

    Amaar: “It’s a deal. A whole week.”

    Thorne: “Oh, Baber…Amaar is going to need some fashion advice from you.”

  14. Steve

    It looks like LMOTP’s “edger” season just didn’t work.

    You would have thought that the way they bashed those Christians would have really boost those ratings. Go figure?

    Darn, if they had just broken more Jesuses or punched out more pastors.

    Or perhaps have Thorne go become a mass murderer. The whole “honor” kill his Mother and “Uncle” thing.

    Now that would really be edgy.

    2,866,000 viewers at 8 o’clock on Global Monday night. That took some of the wind out of the second episodes of CTV comedies Hiccups (1,156,000) and Dan For Mayor (1,109,000). It was the strongest showing for House this winter according to Global.

    The CTV rookies blasted out of the gate at 1.9 million each one week earlier after a ton of super-sized Olympic promotion. This week’s take for Hiccups and Dan For Mayor still dwarfed audiences for the Canadian comedies opposite Monday at 8 on CBC, 18 to Life (385,000) and Little Mosque (380,000).

  15. Steve

    I still think they should try to give Layla her own show.

    Having to face College life as a Muslim woman, with on one hand very liberal environment of young men and women and what they do in college (do I need to get more specific) and on the other hand the real radical Muslim types.

    Most of the show could be about Mocking White People. No, done right it is quite funny.

    Here is a blog that does it right.

    Stuff White Professors like. Inviting a Muslim Freshman to one of their parties to show her around to other white professors who would be envious of not having their own Muslim in one of there classes. Of course Layla knows exactly the correct things to say to turn their hypocrisy back upon them.

    • Steve

      Professor Anderson: “I can hardly wait to see Professor Landon’s face when I show her my new Freshman Muslim woman.

      Yeah, beat that!”

      Professor Landon: I like to introduce to everyone my new daughter Zamir. I adopted her when I was on sabbatical in Africa.

      Professor Anderson: “Damn showoff.” “Layla quickly, can I adopt you?”

      Layla: “Um, I don’t think my Dad would approve”.

      If LMOTP is canceled they could always move Baber over to the Layla in College show since he is supposed to be a professor and we all know how Universities in Canada will bend over backwards to get Muslim Faculty.

  16. Matt

    Perhaps the Professor could introduce Layla to the Third world kid that the professor has adopted.

    Yeah, it could be quite funny indeed.

  17. Nahida

    My imam dresses like Baber. Except he wears white. (Not that color matters, I just noticed that people who wear traditional clothes tend to stick to one color. Probably to restrain from materialism.) He has a perfect American accent. He didn’t dress like he does now as a kid, it was something he took on to follow in the path of the prophet. He’s spent a great deal of time in a lot of different countries and he can speak 5 different languages.

    Anyway, he was talking once about how whenever he goes to a bank or someplace, people always look at him like they don’t want to deal with him because they think he won’t know a word of English. And then when he starts talking they have this look of utter shock, because he speaks better English than they do. In Britain they’re much friendlier at first sight. In France, however…. he said he’d never go back to Paris. I told him that a lot of people feel that Parisians are rude but it’s only because it’s a big city and people are busy trying to get places and do things. Like in New York City. I told him other places in France were very friendly. He said they weren’t just rude–they were downright racist.

    I wonder now if he meant they were racist because he is an American or racist because he dresses like an Arab. I guess they wouldn’t know that his American accent was crisp and perfect. They probably might not have been known he was American at all. And I certainly didn’t find them racist when I went there, even after they caught on that I was American. The way I dressed in long skirts and dresses I would have passed (and did pass–until I opened my mouth speaking French with an American accent) as a Frenchwoman. More of a Frenchwoman than even an American woman, since most of the rest of my group were in shorts and T-shirts, which just screams tourist.

    It must have been because he dressed like an Arab. =/ It pains me, since I rather like the French despite the fact that they’re lazy racist bastards. xD (Kidding! Please don’t be offended if you’re reading this from France–I assure you I’m being affectionate.)

  18. Steve

    I like that idea. As I have shown above.

    There could be so many funny situations where Layla would have to deal with all the white people on her campus. It just so flows from this web site.

  19. farah


  20. Delan

    @ Steve
    I agree; the layla spin-off would be a great background for a show.

    about season 5 lmotp: i think it’s not happening. i read somewhere that they had bad viewer quota and would thus end the show. but i might be wrong; i don’t even know where i read or heard it.

  21. Delan

    ah yes, what i forgot to ask. are the ‘rahaloon’ a real thing? how do you spell it? haven’t found anything on google so far…

  22. Episode 18 was online… forgot to tell

  23. ma

    it’s just a stereotype they used for the episode

  24. Kevin

    Does anyone find it ironic that this show, at least this episode, seemed to have been written by an atheist?

  25. Steve

    What, no Layla again?

    She was one of my favorite characters. Baber only works half as well without her.

  26. Steve

    But I did like how Baber was RIGHT again.

  27. Layla is a total goofball. She wanted to throw a party that would probably be annoyingly reckless in a house that wasn’t even hers.

    Sarah lost it seasons ago, going from a strong woman who genuinely cared about her community to a selfishly scheming one, and in the holiday special Rayaan was beginning to act absurd as well! What was she doing siding with not letting the party happen in the prayer hall? The decorations–not the ones outside but the ones inside the prayer hall–should not have been there during Friday prayers, but I’m sure the Reverend wouldn’t have minded taking them back down and putting them back up right before the party so they wouldn’t disturb the prayers! I realize that probably takes time, but they seemed to have time at the end when they put them back up. I was afraid they had watered down Rayaan for good until I remembered the Christmas specials I’d watched as a child, and that it was not unusual for characters in them to act… out of character.

    I was relieved to see she was back in character in this episode. But the rest of the episode was cheesy. I felt like there was only one story line, and the only thing that made it amusing was that the chemistry between the actors was a little overwhelming… to a point where it was painful to watch. I felt like I was intruding. Can you have so much chemistry in between two actors to the point where it’s bad?

  28. Steve

    “Layla is a total goofball. She wanted to throw a party that would probably be annoyingly reckless in a house that wasn’t even hers.”

    Was that in season 4? Season four was awful.

    What I liked about Layla is that at least in seasons 2 and 3 she seemed to have common sense and had a special way of saying things to put people in their place.

  29. Steve

    Also, with that sermon that Thorne gave it seems that they are in full force attacking Christianity if not religion period (except Islam of course). Is Job or Adam and Eve in the Koran?

    • Yes, they all are.

      I don’t feel Thorne was created to attack Christianity. We still had Reverend Magee in previous seasons, and if that was the agenda I doubt he would have been written into existence.

      Baber is so annoying. And funny.

      • Steve

        What is so interesting is that Thorne actually brought in the crowd while with Magee the congregation was dwindling . I mean that was last season of course. Now Thorne is bringing in about the numbers that Magee did (well with Magee I think there were about three or four at a regular mass with one asleep, and now Thorne is bringing in about 10 so I guess Thorne still has Magee beat). That Christmas show did not represent the first season well. After all we have all seen the first season, and we know what it was like. The whole point was that Magee didn’t have many people in the church except for his Christmas sermon (but even then I believe it was in season two, a secular Christmas Television Special meant that no one even came then).

        No the agenda has always been to attack Christianity. First by saying that it’s a dying religion. And then to say that it is run by hateful, opportunistic leaders.

      • Steve

        At times I wondered if Magee even believed in God. It seemed like at one point he stopped believing but since that was the career he choose he was still going through the motions.

      • Every major religion is run by hateful, opportunistic leaders! As of now, anyway.

        I don’t think it’s a mystery why Thorne brought in a crowd and Magee didn’t. He’s a better speaker, and people are drawn to character. And being shamed. I bet Magee never shamed them into coming.

      • Steve

        No, Islam in Mercy is lead by a charming young man with the highest integrity (except for not remembering the basic concept of asking a woman’s father before asking for her hand in marriage).

        Christianity in Mercy was headed first by a wimp and then by a conniver.

      • Amaar… is a wimp.

      • Steve

        (Sorry this is where I meant to post the following response).

        Magee was a far greater wimp who really didn’t even care about his congregation. He spent more time feeding the birds than he did trying to increase his congregation or even to serve the ones he had left.

  30. On a (sort of) completely irrelevant note, how did Amaar manage to slap a Post-it on a public bench without it blowing away, or someone tossing it into the nearest recycling bin after failing to decipher the cryptic message? The treasure hunt was cute and really thoughtful of him, but I was momentarily irritated by how unbelievable that bit of the plot was. Paper doesn’t sit still!

    The roses he gave her were beautiful though. I felt fluttery watching it. The chocolates were nice too. Chocolate is overrated (yes I realize I am getting personal here.) I always preferred flowers to chocolate. Or flowers made of chocolate! I like the heart-shaped boxes chocolates come in, especially if they’re tied with pretty bows and decorated with…roses. Roses are gorgeous and smell like heaven as much as I am capable of imaging heaven to smell like. Of course, the ones on the boxes are just designs so they don’t smell like anything. Maybe cardboard.

    ANYWAY, what Amaar said after she found him in the field about reminding her about the moments they had together since they couldn’t seem to have another one alone was unbelievably considerate. (Even though this episode was awkward to watch.) Like, literally, unbelievable. This show is going to make like Jane Austen and give me unreasonable expectations of men. Like the ability to read my mind.

    “I wanted you to bring me your favorite book!!”

  31. Steve

    Thinking about it I guess this has to do with the Left’s schizophrenia over Islam. They hate all religion, but they see Islam as “diversity” that can challenge the historically Christian nature of our society. Because in general it sure seems like there is an atheistic bent to the writing of this show. Even when Amaar asks Yasir’s permission to ask Rayyan to marry him Amaar said he does it because “that’s the way we do things (cultural reasons)” instead of “that is what Allah commands (religious reason)”, a delicately fine but important distinction.

    • Yasir’s permission to ask Rayyan to marry him Amaar said he does it because “that’s the way we do things (cultural reasons)” instead of “that is what Allah commands (religious reason)”,

      Because it isn’t.

      If Yasir denied him but Raayan was in love with him, she still has the Islamic right to marry him. Asking Yasir is a polite gesture. And Yasir didn’t need to be asked first.

    • Steve

      Magee was a far greater wimp who really didn’t even care about his congregation. He spent more time feeding the birds than he did trying to increase his congregation or even to serve the ones he had left.

    • I felt Magee cared very much about his congregation. Genuinely cared, about the well being of the individuals and not for-show stuff. He just wasn’t very ambitious. Some people aren’t. It doesn’t mean he was any less compassionate.

      • Steve

        Well I felt that his congregation “disappointed” him.

        At least that is how he felt about them.

        And the make-up of his congregation was made up of mostly older people as the younger generation for the most part had fallen away.

        It’s kind of what Baber said about Rayyan’s Christian “friend” last year. If a person truly believes they would be as aggressive as she was. Magee never truly believed. Oh perhaps at one time he did, but that was a long time ago. And now he is stuck in a job he has grown to loathe.

        I could never get a sense of whether Thorne truly believed or not. Obviously he wasn’t living true to his beliefs and now he totally doesn’t believe because he feels that how could a loving God stick him in a place like Mercy (well at least it’s not Wullerton).

      • BS. I really believe. And I’m not going to shove it down people’s throats. I know I don’t need to shove it down people’s throats because I believe. I believe that God is truly Merciful and has the best Judgment, and no one will burn in Hell without deserving it. If people are really truly good they’ll believe in God–even if it’s a Miraculous epiphany moments before their death and they didn’t live life being religious. They’ll die believing. No one will get any more or less than what is deserved.

        I’ll inform them, sure, but I’m not out to convert anyone. God decides who goes down that path.

  32. Steve

    That doesn’t really differ from the way we Christians do things. Well at least historically. Now most of us don’t because as you know in the last couple of generations we have been seeing our traditions destroyed.

    • Steve, no one is out to get you. Calm down. Your traditions haven’t been destroyed. You can still buy a Christmas tree and decorate it! As a matter of fact, I encourage you to do so, because I think they are quite beautiful and I’m fond of driving past houses that are decorated to challenge the stars.

      Unless this is about Christmas tree vs. holiday tree, in which case, you’re being ridiculous, and if anyone has the right to complain it’s the pagans.

      • Steve

        It’s always about “Happy Holidays” though this year it seems like we might have gotten the upper hand on that. But such a victory is always transitory.

      • You’re still free to say “Merry Christmas.” No one’s saying you can’t. For some people it isn’t really Christmas. They’re only celebrating it because everyone else does it and have no real religious connections. “Happy Holidays” works for them. Christmas is overwhelmingly commercial. It’s only natural the greetings would cater to it.

  33. Steve

    Christmas is as much a cultural tradition as it is a religious holiday. Again this is an attempt to separate America from it’s traditions in a way to bring it down.

    • No. It’s an expansion.

      • Steve

        It is just one of many ways the Left is trying to bring us down.

        They better be careful. They just might not like what replaces us.

      • Steve, I am not going to cater to your obsessions about my division of the political spectrum. Well actually, I identify more with feminism than I do with the Left (I have issues with them) but you’re still crazy and one-sided. That is all on that subject.

  34. Steve

    How is Amaar a wimp?

    • He bends to things he knows are wrong.

      He disagreed with the barrier and concluded it has no theological foundation–but left it up.

      He was too swayed by Baber’s treats to tell him to stay the hell of Raayan’s pants.

      He told a woman that her husband didn’t need to come to church, when he wouldn’t have so readily excused a Muslim man from coming to the mosque. Moments of hypocrisy are the best example of wimpy moments.

  35. Steve

    Good points.

    I guess he feels he can’t sway too much one way or the other because he believes he needs to keep his diverse congregation (is that what you would call them) together.

    But perhaps he should just go “this is what I believe and if you do too you can follow me and if you don’t then you are welcomed to start your own congregation.”

    But then again, it’s not HIS mosque. He is the employee. The congregation of the mosque hires him so he either needs to abide by their wishes or quit. Perhaps he should have threatened to quit more often.

  36. Steve

    He disagreed with the barrier and concluded it has no theological foundation–but left it up.

    It may have no theological foundation but for immigrants coming from very traditional Islamic societies it sure has a cultural foundation. He probably didn’t want to make them feel uncomfortable.

    But of course if he was strongly against this he should have put his foot down but he wanted to create a more diverse Mosque. This is why diversity can never work. Someone will always be offended so the decision is always not about not offending but instead about who you decide to offend.

    • It is a sin in Islam to put culture before religion. A really great sin.

      If I had any shame I would keep myself from saying that people who do this will have it coming on Judgment Day. But I don’t.

      I don’t care if sexist bigots like Baber are offended. Some aspects of diversity are harmless. And then there are those that are and will always be wrong.

      • Steve

        I guess ideally there would be one Mosque that has a barrier and one that doesn’t. And then the individual Muslim would go to the mosque they feel most comfortable in.

        Of course with the small (but growing) number of Muslims in Mercy it would be impossible to have two different Mosques, each with its separate congregation.

        By the way Baber isn’t a sexual bigot. At least not on the barrier issue. He respects women so much he doesn’t want them “contaminated” by males. If he is a bigot against anyone it would be his fellow males. He sees the barrier as a way to honor women.

      • So why was he okay letting the women have the BACK entrance?

      • Also, let me get this straight–he respects women… and that’s why he believes it’s the WOMAN who is contaminated by the male gaze? She has no sexual intentions or even thoughts… and yet she’s the filthy one? If a woman were raped would he believe her rapist contaminated her?

        Yeah, he sounds great.

        That man would have contaminated his own soul.

      • Steve

        Remember, that is when it got out of hand and Baber started siding with the anti separate entrance people. I found it so moving when he explained why he was originally for the separate entrance. He said it was to honor the women. I am sure if he had his way he would use the back entrance before he would ever force Layla to.

      • I don’t doubt that. But I’m not letting him off just because he doesn’t understand what he implies, especially when it causes so much damage. People should know what they’re saying. Just because Baber has a thought doesn’t mean it’s such a unique sparkling snowflake of a thought that it should immediately be put into practice.

  37. Steve

    I don’t know how the Mosque structure works. Was it really his call about the barrier or was that up to the Board of Directors (or whatever they are called) of the Mosque?

    • In America, since most of our mosques are broke, it’s about whether or not we have enough money to put up a barrier or take one down.

      That barrier was cheap. He could have easily thrown out what had no Islamic origin.

      • Steve

        But that would have offended half of his congregation including women.

      • It isn’t Islamically correct. If they have a problem with an imam who actually follows his religion instead of cultural dictations, they should have kept Baber.

  38. Steve

    Well perhaps they could have a show where he would finally stand up on the barrier issue. But that might be offensive to a certain segment of Muslims and they might go and blow up a CBC studio.

    Much better to continue to attack Christianity. After all you don’t have worry about them issuing a fatiwa against the CBC.

  39. Steve

    South park was one of the few has done so

    And they were restrained in their attack. The network was afraid someone would be killed if they showed an image of Mohammad (pbuh) so they showed someone dressed up as a polar bear and said it was him.

  40. Steve

    Remember how South Park attacked Christianity? And you should have seen what they did to the Pope.

  41. I thought it was a brown bear.

    Whatever. They’re not one of the few. People do it everyday. You oughtta read some youtube comments.

  42. Steve

    Oh, perhaps it was indeed a brown bear.

    And yeah, people do attack Islam every day on the blogs, and on youtube. I thought you were talking about the media.

  43. Steve

    Oh, and they attack Islam on talk radio. Well at least some of them do. Most however are careful to explain that they aren’t attacking all of Islam but just the ones who want to kill us. But some don’t make that distinction.

    But again I meant in the media.

    • Blogs are a part of the media. So are talk shows.

      They don’t attack Christianity in the media as much as they think they do. And when they do it recklessly and aren’t careful making distinctions and such they have Liberals point this out.

      It’s interesting how the misdeeds of members of the Catholic Church hierarchy are being used as a defense to condemn all Catholics. I can imagine any similar comments aimed at Jews, Muslims, or others would be roundly bashed and eventually banned on this site.

      That is a comment from a liberal reader, addressing another liberal atheist for saying basically that all Catholics are evil.

      I must now fill out forms. Good night.

  44. Steve

    Thinking about it, they have at least ignored the whole “Amaar being fired” part unresolved. Well the mentioned that it happened but they they didn’t go into why he was fired.

    And if I remember right he was fired because indeed he finally stood up for Rayyan and the way she wanted things run (the pants issue and then finally her making a point to violate the barrier). Now, yeah, he’s back because they hated how Baber ran things, but now he is back, are they going to allow him to run the Mosque in a for the lack of a better word more liberal fashion?

    It is interesting how that part of it all is just being glossed over.

  45. Steve

    Thinking about it, they have left the whole “Amaar being fired” part unresolved.

    Yeah, they hired him back, BUT what about the REASONS he was fired?

  46. We all know why he was fired. He was incompetent and easily bought. Baber isn’t nearly as intimidating as he wishes to be. If Amaar had been strong from the beginning and had actually attempted to put things in a way Baber can get behind (and such a thing has been done before, by both Amaar [“the Christians will win”] and the mayor to cancel Wheat Week) he wouldn’t find the nerve. I doubt Baber would have a comeback for, “This is not what the Prophet taught us about prayer–if you want to do it your way instead of the way of Islam take it up with God. Are you going to cave into culture LIKE THE DEVIL WANTS YOU TO. You know, this why we needed the Qu’ran after the Bible. Because people like you made up their own rules!” But of course, Amaar has no backbone.

    Moving on. Some events led me to think about how Muslim women (and Muslim men) are not supposed to take the last names of their spouses once they are married. A daughter may have the last name of her mother or her father or both, but she does not change this once she is married. Her name remains that of her family. The same goes for sons. They don’t change their name to that of their wives. It imitates being handed down as property. You only belong to God. I was thinking about this as I filed a petition for a change of name (my mother had been tricked into changing her last name, and mine went with it–I was changing mine back to what she had intended to give me; in Islam a child can change names with the permission of her/his parent) and later that night I realized suddenly with a sense of astonishment that Sarah and Yasir have the same last name.

    I wonder how play out with Rayaan and Amaar.

  47. Steve

    Wow, those are scary videos, Ned.

    Nahida, American tradition says that the wife takes the husband’s last name. I guess I could see a case where you might want to change your name back like if the husband is abusive, but otherwise it is just too complicated to not keep to tradition here. When in Rome.

  48. Steve

    One thing that really interested me and this is probably not the reason you posted this Ned, is that did you see how the store manager started PROFILING.

    Of course given the situation it made sense as it does in any situation where certain patterns keep coming up. It’s not a perfect system of course but it’s a system that is just common sense and would be stupid just to ignore completely.

    So yeah, the shop owner at started profiling but given the situation he would be stupid if he didn’t.

  49. No, it’s complicated to KEEP that tradition here. My birth certificate, social security, high school diploma, driver’s license, passport, bank account, health insurance, university enrollment and who knows what else are all in my legal last name instead of the one with which I identify. And I have to change everything. It takes a ridiculous amount of time, costs a ridiculous amount of money, and requires an absurd level of patience–for the rest of my life, because some of the stuff I probably can’t even change. Now there’s going to be some weird disconnect, and I’ll have to explain to people why the last name is different and show them the court order every time I have to pull that document out that I couldn’t change.

    I don’t know if it’s an easier switch for people who’ve gotten married, but if it’s remotely similar I can’t imagine why anyone would want to change it just because it’s a cultural tradition. If I didn’t already have issues with my legal last name (that my mother was denied her right to name me what she wanted, that HER last name was changed against her will, that the whole thing is sexist, etc. and things I won’t mention) I wouldn’t have bothered change it.

    I’m not going to throw myself into a fire because everyone in Rome decides to do it.

  50. Steve

    No when you get married it’s not that difficult. Your former name is now known as your “maiden” name. But changing your name in any other way does get difficult.

  51. Steve

    Wow, Ned it is easy to get people to do stuff even when they aren’t predisposed to doing so. Just think how easy it is to get someone to do something if they are predisposed.

  52. Steve

    Nahida, I do believe in general women should take the name of their husband and the children should too (last name).

    But I can also understand why in certain cases women might want to go back to their maiden name and the children might as well.

    It sounds like you are in one of those cases.

  53. I’m not talking about going back. I’m talking about not changing it in the first place, and I brought up the difficulty in reference to this: is just too complicated to not keep to tradition here. Which it isn’t. It’s easiest to not change it at all. And there is a principle involved. If I get married, I won’t be taking his last name. Neither will my children. I’m willing to compromise on the latter, but they ought to have mine if I’m the one to gestate and birth them.

    And even if it were easier to change it, the context in which I brought this up was Islamic. From that perspective, saying you changed your last name because it’s easier is kind of lame. Again, there is a principle involved, one worth fighting for.

    Of course, that’s just me, and other Muslim women. And in this case I was talking about Sarah in particular. A lot of women prefer taking their husbands’ last names. I have no problem with that. People in Rome can do what they want, as long as they’re not making me do what they want, or anyone who doesn’t want to do what they want… do what they want. I have no problem with any woman who marries you, Steve, taking your last name. It doesn’t even matter whether or not I have a problem with it, because it’s none of my business.

    What I did have a problem with, was you saying that in general a woman should the name of her husband. Not your woman. Any woman, implying that you’d want this for women living in America with different religions–and now prompting me to ask you to see your way out of my personal preferences. And then you said it sounded like I fell into your category of exception, not because I’m Muslim (and of different religious tradition) but because I was physically abused, which further established the implication.

    But I don’t follow this, and I’m not talking about any woman. I’m talking about Sarah. I suspect Sarah didn’t know that she, as a Muslim woman, was not supposed to change her name to her husband’s. There was an episode where Fatima revealed to a rather shocked Sarah that Yasir was obligated to buy her whatever she wanted, as long as it didn’t interfere with their financial stability. In that case Yasir was purposefully withholding this information from her. I’m kind of wondering what happened in this one.

    Sarah’s marriage isn’t my business either, any more than your marriage is Steve. I don’t care if she willingly took Yasir’s knowing that she had the right–and kind of the obligation to God–to keep hers. What I’m concerned about is whether she was aware of this right. It is too common and too disturbing that Muslim women are left unaware of their rights.

    It is only recent that Palestinian girls were allowed in school. And there is a reason for that. The greatest fear of fundamentalist religious terrorists is a population of educated women.

    • David

      Nahida, what is your source for the statement that “it is only recently that Palestinian girls were allowed in school”? Are you referring to Gaza?

      Also, I would disagree with your statement that “the greatest fear of fundamentalist religious terrorists is a population of educated women.” There are numerous cases of terrorists (female too) who were extremely well-educated – doctors, lawyers. Do a Google on it and you’ll see. It’s a common misconception that education (of both sexes) decreases attachment to fundamentalists.

      • David–It was all over the headlines a couple of years ago. And TV. They’d show young girls in classrooms and a voice over would say that this was the first time they were allowed. Was it untrue?

        And I’m aware that there are female terrorists. Really, I’d have to be living under a rock. But that’s not a misconception. Education really does slow down violence.


        Sudden memory recovery FTW.

        Sorry about that. Palestine’s made headlines too, as you can imagine.

      • Steve

        Nahida I have to agree with David here.

        It seems that education if anything increases violence.

        Actually I believe there’s a “sweet spot”.

        Those in the lower classes don’t have time to engage in violent behavior.

        Those in the upper classes have others do their violence.

        So you will find your terrorists coming from mostly the upper middle class who indeed would have a college education.

        Can you blame the education for the violence? Well the education gives them a cause, but no I believe for the most part you can find other factors more important than education. I am not sure what they are but it is obvious that education doesn’t decrease violence. Perhaps what decreases violence is for the people to feel they have a personal stake in their society so they wouldn’t be so willing to tear it all down.

    • Steve

      Nahida, I almost hate to bring it up but do you think that your Father’s abuse was due to his culture?

      After all Baber was brought in to the show to counter the stereotype that Muslim males especially Fundamental Muslim Males are abusive to their wives and daughters.

      • Nope. He was abusive because he was an asshole. I know plenty of men from that culture who are not abusive.

      • Steve

        But you really don’t know other males to know if they aren’t abusive. I mean you don’t know what they do in their homes. It does seem like males from Muslim countries are indeed for the most part abusive. They feel like they aren’t really being a man if they aren’t.

        I am afraid Max is right about some cultures not being compatible with our own and I do believe that our immigration policy must reflect that.

      • Actually, I do. They have daughters.

      • Steve

        And the daughters would be honest with you about what happens in their home?

      • With me? Yes.

        Probably not with other people, for the exact reasons coming up in this thread with putting the blame on the culture instead of the actual criminal.

        I was 16 before I did something. You were speaking to me for about a year while I was living in danger of being murdered in my own home. And do you know why it took so long? I didn’t want to do anything because irrelevant factors like religion and culture would be taken up in the “news” reports. I wanted to protect my religion, a completely innocent bystander. And my mother. Even if it meant destroying myself.

  54. David

    Yes, Afghanistan is more likely.

    Of course I know about “Palestine’s … headlines” – I live in Israel. (That’s why I was practically 100% sure that what you wrote was incorrect.)

    As to the theory that “Education really does slow down violence” – like I said, it sounds nice, but I don’t think it can be proven. There are some many counter-examples that it’s hard for me to swallow, until I see someone doing a serious scientific study. As an example: in Jordan, the fundamentalists (politically, I mean – culturally or socially, they may be liberals) are specifically the educated classes (or at least they’re the ones who grab the headlines).

    • Steve

      From their perspective I can understand their violence but just from a practical perspective I believe it’s counter productive.

      They don’t get how much power they could have by becoming peaceful and then getting what they want by making the Israelis feel guilty so they will give them like affirmative action and stuff.

      Anyway, Israel is doomed. Forget about Iran’s atomic bomb. The Palestinians’ population bomb will destroy Israel in a generation or two.

    • Yes, I know you live in Israel. I remember you mentioned it before.

      In those examples there is portion that is uneducated. I am most certain that a complete educational system–not one that is classist in practice–will stop the violence as long as basic needs are also covered (you can’t expect hungry children to read books.) People start wars when they’re afraid, and they’re usually afraid of things–and of people–they don’t know.

      • David

        “People start wars when they’re afraid, and they’re usually afraid of things–and of people–they don’t know.”

        Nahida, I agree that that is sometimes true. But other times, there is are concrete reasons, good or bad, not just ignorance.

  55. Steve

    Last night’s show wasn’t even worthy of comment.

    The show was never that good, but now it’s just terrible.

    I guess I am stuck with criticizing Outsourcing (NBC)

  56. Steve

    In reference to Nahida’s comments (for some reason I am having trouble with cut and paste).

    Indeed that is what I was saying, though I guess if one can cite a real strong cultural and religious reason not to accept the man’s name then that makes sense and indeed it is a free country so one can adopt any last name they want and I would never change that.

    But it does get complicated if some people adopt their father’s last name and others adopt their mothers last name. But it’s a complication I guess we just need to live with though traditionally since the male is the head of the household the male sir name is adopted for the children.

    But again, it’s a free country though I do feel it weakens society in general but not to a great extent.

    I guess the Hispanics while adopting the fathers name also right before that have the mothers name as their full name before that. As in Jose Martinez Gozales (with the mother’s name being Martinez and the father’s name being Gozales)

    But again, it’s certainly a choice I wouldn’t want to be denied to anyone.

  57. Lina S.

    hi Nahida-

    I was just wondering if it isn’t too much trouble, if I could contact you personally and if we could talk. I found your email address, but I thought it would be nicer to ask you permission before I sent you anything. I’m seriously considering looking to Islam–not to convert really, I don’t know what religion I want to be a part of, but I’d like to get to know a lot of them. And from what I’ve read of the stuff you wrote, you seem to be someone who’ll tell me about it without pressuring me to convert. I would hate to be trouble, but so far I’ve had no luck finding anyone like that in real life. I’m 14 (almost 15) and I really find you inspiring. I’m also kind of jealous (at laest I admit it right?) because I’ve read some of the stuff you wrote on here and other places when you were my age and even younger and I really admire the way you write them. You seem unbelievably smart and insightful, and you’re only 5 years older than me. Makes me wonder if I’ve accomplished anything.

    Also, I just finished a book by jessica valenti, and it made me realize that I really bought into the media stereotypes about feminism. I was wondering if we could talk about that too. You said you like dressing up which altogether kind of contradicted my impression of feminists. Isn’t it a contradiction though? even before I decided that maybe I’m a feminist I would feel guilty about wearing pretty things, like it meant I wasn’t smart and at the same time I would feel pressure to look beautiful. My older sister is 22 and she is recovering from bulimia. I’m kind of scared that the same thing will happen to me.

    You’re really pretty. I like your hair and your eyes. If you don’t mind me asking, is that your natural hair? i guess it would have to be, since I don’t think Muslims are allowed to use hair extensions (?) It’s really beautiful. Do you use any product in it? I think it must be easier to be smart when you’re pretty–guys would still pay attention to you if you were smart if you’re pretty at the same time. That must be why you don’t seem to have any trouble. I read your post where you mentioned a few incidents. You seem like the type who’d have no problem asking someone first too. Does that really work?I always thought being forward would scare guys away. When you go out with someone what exactly happens, since you’re Muslim? i know that’s probably really personal and you don’t have to answer it but it’s really amazing that you’re still asked out even when people know that you don’t put out. (forgive me for that) Especially since you’re so honest, which reminds me you said somewhere that you hate being called exotic. Do you actually tell that to people who say it and still have them be interested? I hate it too (i’m Chinese) but i’m not sure why. It just makes me feel…iunno. Maybe you can explain it to me. xD

    SOrry this is so long and I hope I didn’t waste your time or anything.


    • Lina S.

      Sorry for the double post! Nahida, I had to put up with some annoying creep yesterday and I’d like to know how you deal with these things.

  58. Steve

    Okay, I did think of one comment about the show.

    It really bothers me that they have a person of such low moral character be the Reverend in the show since a Reverend is supposed to be a role model.

    This shows how anti-Christianity this show really is.

    They need to get rid of Thorne and replace him with some moral Reverend that Amaar can unite with and make Mercy a more moral place.

    I wish that Islam and Christianity wasn’t seen so much as competitors because as Michael Savage says there are good things about Islam that Americans can learn from. After all, they are right about us being decedent. We weren’t always that way. But in the last several generations we have become that way.

  59. Steve

    Lina, you mention “asking first”. But that’s not how it works in Islam. Men and women don’t frivolously date like we do in the west.

    When they want to get married, the male approaches the female’s father, or brother if no father is present (I am not sure what they do if there’s no father and no bother, I guess they must find another member of the family) and ask for permission to for the lack of a better word “court” her. And then they go out on dates but always with a chaperone.

    It reminds me a lot of how things were done hear say about in the 1890s or so. It seems like a better way.

    As for Nahida being both smart and beautiful she says that’s a liability when talking to guys because indeed they dismiss her intelligence.

    I don’t disagree with all her feminists ideas. After all women have been abused historically and that is indeed wrong. Nahida herself was abused as a female so you can understand her strong beliefs regarding this. But some feminists take it too far the other way, and Nahida needs to be careful about that (although so far she seems to have not fallen into that trap).

    Nahida is a very honorable person. She just needs to watch out for the progressives out there. But yes, it would be great for you to have a pen pal relationship with her as she could sure teach you much about morality even though she watches mAd Men.

    • I wasn’t abused “as a female,” Steve. My two little brothers went through the same things.

      And that permission thing isn’t religious–not as a requirement. It’s cultural.

      • Max

        It was no doubt the loser country he came from. We need to stop letting immigrants with their primitive culture into our country, bringing their problems with them.

      • Jay

        AMRITSAR: A day after UKs’ former home secretary Jack Straw blamed some Pakistani Muslim men for targeting “vulnerable” White girls sexually, UK’s Hindu and Sikh organizations also publicly accused Muslim groups of the same offence.

        Straw, in an interview to the BBC recently, had said, “…there is a specific problem which involves Pakistani heritage men…who target vulnerable young white girls…they see these young women, white girls who are vulnerable, some of them in care … who they think are easy meat.”

        Feeling emboldened by Straw’s statement, UK’s Hindu and Sikh organizations have also come in open and accused some Pakistani men of specifically targeting Hindu and Sikh girls. “This has been a serious concern for the last decade,” said Hardeep Singh of Network of Sikh Organizations (NSO) while talking to TOI on Monday.

        Sikhs and Hindus are annoyed that Straw had shown concern for White girls and not the Hindu and the Sikh teenage girls who have been coaxed by some Pakistani men for sex and religious conversion.

        “Straw does other communities a disservice by suggesting that only white girls were targets of this predatory behaviour. We raised the issue of our girls with the previous government and the police on several occasions over the last decade. This phenomenon has been there because a minority of Islamic extremists view all ‘non believers’ as legitimate targets,” said director NSO Inderjit Singh.

        Targeted sexual offences and forced conversions of Hindu and Sikh girls was not a new phenomenon in the UK, said Ashish Joshio from Media Monitoring group.

        “This has been going on for decades in the UK . Young Muslim men have been boasting about seducing the Kaffir (unbeliever) women. The Hindu and the Sikh communities must be commended for showing both restraint and maturity under such provocation,” he added.

        Hardeep said that in 2007, The Hindu Forum of Britain claimed that hundreds of Hindu and Sikh girls had been first romantically coaxed and later intimidated and converted by Muslim men.

  60. Steve

    I guess I can’t criticize because I watch some very bad shows. But then again, I am not really that religious or indeed moral in that I have succumbed to some of the base aspects of our society.

    There are several movies and HBO and Showtime series that I am embarrassed to say I have indeed watched. But although I have watched them to my credit I don’t live that way, though from a religious aspect that doesn’t really provide much of an excuse.

  61. Lina,

    Of course you may! I make my e-mail available to those who are determined enough to hunt it down for that very reason. I do appreciate that you’d asked first, though–it’s very considerate of you.

    Some notes on intelligence: it hasn’t concern with age. I wouldn’t say it has no concern with age, but the social stigma that ties intelligence with age is beyond ridiculous–and arguably harmful. Teenagers act the way they do because they are expected of it. They (I should say we but my birthday is in March and that’s close enough) are very, very bright people. Many of them can write and debate better than a lot of adults. But they aren’t known for these things because it is not expected of them, and when one of them is “remarkably impressive” xe is told that xe is “quite smart for your age.” As someone who’s been told this countless times growing up, I can say it did two things for me: (1) it stressed me out because then I had to worry about whether or not every thing I did was “sophisticated” enough to keep up with myself not disappoint others, when in reality I’m not that special–really, it’s perfectly normal I’m this way at this age and I’m not some freak of nature; this strange attention can’t be good, and (2) it made me feel extraordinarily frustrated. This is because “smart for your age” is a negative compliment. They’re not taking you seriously. They just think you’re so adorable. I’m a real person with real experiences and real things to say–significant things, thank you very much, and I rather not have them dismissed because I’ll “learn when I’m older.” (I can say the same for you, mister!) It is condescending, and it’s a poor excuse used by adults when they either have no other way of countering you or are too lazy to come up with explanations. I know myself as well as any adult, I know what I want and I know how things work, and I’ve been exposed to things some people never have. This is all invalidated because of my age.

    And now you, Lina, are feeling this pressure when you arbitrarily compare my intelligence to my age, and it’s probably because you’ve been through the same things. You’ve been told you’re smart, and at the same time you weren’t taken seriously. I want you to recognize that this is not your problem. It’s the people who think you’re so cute. The old are mistreated, but so are the young, and it’s only those in their 30s and 40s–and 50s and 60s if you’re a man–who are very, very privileged in having a chance that people actually listen.

    I expect things to improve slightly in my 20s. But I doubt they will. I’m not going to waste time impressing thick-headed closet ageists. And neither should you.

    No. What’s really a contradiction to feminism is telling a woman what she can or cannot wear. There is no reason you should feel guilty wearing pretty things. It’s ridiculous beauty standards you should reject, not beauty itself. Anyone who thinks you aren’t smart because you’re wearing a skirt is a whole different kind of dunderhead. But I hope you also realize that it’s not the skirt that makes you beautiful. I’ll only look “conventionally pretty” until I’m 30, maybe 40. But I’ll still be pretty after that. I plan to age gracefully. I plan to never use wrinkle cream. And I can’t wait.

    So steer clear of that bulimia. It won’t make you beautiful. I know it’s easier said than done. I took one look at a picture of myself snapped as I was receiving my high school diploma and shoved it aside. I looked at it again last week. The picture was taken after I had just sung the National Anthem. I was blushing after the thrill of the music. The cap, a brilliant white (girls wore white and boys wore black) against my dark hair, was nearly flying off. My hair was a mess in the wind. My head was tilted back. I was laughing. A single balloon had found its way out of the arch and leaned toward me. And behind me, the vast green field. Looking at it then, I couldn’t remember why I had been horrified when I first saw it. And I bet you can do the same with yourself. Don’t waste your own time.

    I assume the incident you’re referring to is the Edgar Allen Poe reading I mentioned, where I was with a man? We were in a public place and there was no real touching involved. That’s about all that can happen. The whole thing shouldn’t have happened at all in the first place, because I’m not ready to get married, and I kind of need that intention to date as a Muslim.

    You, however, have different rules to dating. Asking first may come up much more often for you. I’ve only done it once. (And yes, it was another thing that shouldn’t have happened.) And it wasn’t really direct asking.

    We were at an outdoor social gathering. I wanted to tell him something, and so I moved behind him and lightly ran the back of my fingers up his forearm. He turned to look at me and our eyes met. I saw the effect of doing this on his face. Yeah, it was unIslamic to touch him like that. I’m not perfect. God, please don’t think I’m perfect. I could have said his name, moved in front of him, anything else to get his attention. But I didn’t, because I wanted him to turn and look at me with that expression. You know the one.

    “The street lights behind me twinkled.” I didn’t recognize my own voice. It was smooth and soft and pretty. And there was a strange depth to it. At least this much, I can honestly say, was not as readily under my control.

    “What?” he asked. His eyes moved briefly to the lights behind me and then back to mine. I hadn’t budged.

    “They twinkled. Exactly like the stars do. I saw it from the side. I thought it was so strange for a minute. Then I realized a single strand of my hair had fallen over my eye, close enough to be obscured in my vision, and moved in the wind. The streetlight behind it twinkled, like stars behind atmospheres. It’s so basic but it’s wonderful to see it applied and removed isn’t it? I was almost disappointed, but it still felt like magic. A tiny secret.”

    He slowly leaned forward. I turned my head to avoid him.

    “Sorry,” I said quietly.

    He drew back again. “Don’t apologize. I know you wouldn’t let me kiss you. I thought I’d just try it, in case you ever change your mind. Let me know if I should stop. Is there anything I can get you?”

    “No, I’ll get it.”

    “I insist.”

    “Oh. Well, I would like some pasta, if that isn’t any trouble. And I’d like it if you had something too. And if you sat across from me, that would be nice.” Did I sound like a fool? I checked his face. He was grinning warmly. Good sign, I guess.

    That’s as close as I’ve come to asking first. But if I were dating as frequently as other girls, I would probably do it much more often, and be much more direct. You shouldn’t be reluctant. Any guy who’s actually scared off by it probably doesn’t have the same values. Think of it as weeding out the incompatibles. There are decent men who will date you even knowing that you don’t “put out” (please do me a favor and never use that term again; just say “have sex”) because they’ll be interested in you for your company and who you are. Don’t settle for less.

    Creep. Avoid the word. The creeps you were referring to probably really were creeps. I trust you. But a lot of times guys are called creeps when their behavior is not creepy at all. The word “creep” is dangerously obscure. I don’t think there’s anything worse you can call a guy than a “creep.” At least there’s a clear definition of “asshole” or “douchebag” or “bastard.” Even “pervert” is better than “creep.” We all know what perverts are. But what’s a creep? A man who has been called a creep has no idea what he’s done wrong. He might have simply asked a woman for her number after having a conversation he really found interesting, after genuinely getting to know her personality–and she may turn around and call him a creep. The obscurity of the insult leaves him having no idea what he’s done wrong. Men are taught in this societal system that they must be forward, that they must be the “chasers,” that assertiveness is the most attractive trait. But when they do follow through, there is often judgmental ridicule.

    Now, guys who really are creeps. Perverts, douchebags, assholes–the ones who won’t leave you alone. Report them. Don’t worry about victim blaming from your peers. Your safety first.

    Exotic. There is a reason it offends you, and that is because (in most cases) it is objectifying and fetishizing. “Exotically beautiful” or “ethnically beautiful”–as opposed to what? “Normal” white beauty? Oh, white women don’t get off easy either. While a woman of color is fetishized to some freaky, objectified level, white women are at risk of being “too vanilla.” There’s no escaping it, you can’t get it right. But you–and all women–are real human beings. And you should let men who tell you that you are “exotic” know this.

    Be kind. And polite. A man who says you’re exotically beautiful may have no intention of objectifying you. He may not be a closet racist jerk and may really believe it is a genuine compliment. Honesty does not excuse you from sympathy or tact. You’re telling him you’re a real human being, after all. He’s one too. “I know you’re probably not racist, but what you said was kind of racist,” is much more constructive than “You’re a total creep.” Hell, “You’re acting like a creep right now,” is more constructive than, “You’re a total creep.”

    That is my natural hair. And no, I don’t use any product. I don’t think anyone actually needs any. Find a few good shampoos and conditioners. Rotate them. Use oils. That’s it. I actually don’t know about whether hair extensions are forbidden if they can be removed. The permanent ones are indeed forbidden. I never looked into because I never had interest in extensions. Don’t need them. And neither do you.

    This has gotten long enough! I wish you good night and look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye Lina.


  62. Steve

    Sorry, the link didn’t work on the video above.

    I guess we will have to wait for a better version to be put up.

  63. Steve

    but the social stigma that ties intelligence with age is beyond ridiculous–and arguably harmful.

    Not intelligence, but indeed wisdom comes with age. Teenagers think they know everything but when they go on in life they come to realize that they didn’t know as much as they think they did.

    When I was a teen I was wise enough to know that.

  64. Wisdom comes with experience.

    “I don’t think, sir, you have a right to command me merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your claim to superiority depends on the use you have made of your time and experience.” —Jane Eyre

    Teenagers think they know everything but when they go on in life they come to realize that they didn’t know as much as they think they did.

    You just think they think they know everything. They often act like they do when people are condescending and fail to acknowledge that they actually capable of understanding.

  65. I am afraid Max is right about some cultures not being compatible with our own and I do believe that our immigration policy must reflect that.

    And this is the perfect example. I suppose Max, who’s never lived with anyone of the culture of which he speaks, is the perfect person to judge who from what culture gets in?

    Great. Send him to Washington.

    I’d go but I’m too young.

    • Steve

      Well I would hope that you would at least have run a business or something like that before going.

      I think the minimum age for Congress should be 45. I understand why it was younger because back then things happened at a younger age but now it doesn’t. Someone should experience life before trying to control the lives of others.

      • I don’t want to go to Washington.

        Things happened at a younger age back then because the young were actually given responsibilities and expected to live up to their full potential! And now if they do or say anything completely stupid it’s let slide.

        And if they do or say anything wise or intelligent it’s SO AMAZING.

        Well it shouldn’t be. It should be expected.

  66. RenKiss

    I’m getting the feeling that Steve is nothing more than a troll. Don’t feed them.

  67. You’re right on time RenKiss. 😉 [The trolls, though, don’t need any feeding. You should see them go on for days without it.]

    Dear Everyone:

    I’m leaving. I’m certain this place has pretty much died and isn’t going to revive itself anytime soon: the moderator shows no signs of existence. I’ll keep in touch with some of you who’ve e-mailed me–obviously, and if anyone else would like to contact me personally, feel free. (Please include from where you know me in the subject line [or in a private message if you do it through facebook] so I don’t think you’re some rampant psycho stalker.)

    The links attacked to my name will be frequented less often, but if anyone misses me I will be writing at the fatal feminist.

    See you around the Internet!


    • David

      Yes, it has pretty much died. I used to follow it but it seems to be pretty much just Steve and occasionally you responding.

      Personally, I think that’s too bad, partly because the show is humorous (though not cutting-edge) but more importantly b/c it also raises issues that I think exist in all faith-based communities, most notably the conflict between tradition and modernity and the integration (or synthesis) of those two. And the discussion here, insofar as it related to the above issues, was a thoughtful one.

    • Michael

      Bye, Nahida. I never commented much but I always enjoyed reading you. Even before I saw your gravatar you always sounded so beautiful.

    • Mira

      Good riddance. You were too good for this.

      Will be visiting!

    • Steve


      I agree with much of what you wrote regarding virginity and I understand the distinction you are trying to make and commend you for it.

      But also from your blog some of the other things you wrote has shown me that your Islamic upbringing proved little resistance to the immoral indoctrination you are receiving at University.

      That is sad but perhaps later in life when you aren’t exposed to the constant indoctrination you will find yourself back on the right path. Perhaps Islam will help bring you there.

      • David

        For all those cheering the demonstrations: yes, I understand your feelings. But bear in mind it’s just as likely that those following Mubarak will be as bad or worse. For me, neutrality is best.

        As to Nahida: I was surprised to see her blog say (under the “Post A Comment” part the following:

        “Islamophobic, sexist, genderist, classist, anti-Semitic, Zionist, racist, ableist, anti-choice, ageist, or otherwise oppressive comments will not be accepted. This is a safe place.”

        For a person who thinks of herself as open-minded, that’s pretty surprising. I thought Zionism = Racism was overturned, even in the (knee-jerk anti-Israel) U.N.

        And BTW, what’s the difference between sexist and genderist? Does sexist mean those who are anti-sex?

      • Debora

        You can ask her that yourself, David. She actually went back and forth on that one (yes, I have met her in person) when she was first drawing out the comment policy. She (correctly) estimated that she would probably be lenient on the actual enforcement of it. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you expressing such sentiments. She has more of a problem with people who kind of do get racist when they’re saying zionist things.

        Nahida has said repeatedly that she’s very well aware that they could be worse. Most of the comments she has currently are insisting that they WILL be worse and accusing her of being a terrorist for hoping for better treatment of the citizens of Egypt. So you can imagine that she had to pull the other way to balance them and say repeatedly again that they might be better.

        I don’t think Nahida ever said she was open-minded, though I certainly think she is. It’s a characteristic that others attribute to her, which kind of proves it’s true. I mean, look at the comments she let through anyway.

        As for sexism and genderism, yes there is a difference. Sexism is based on sex and genderism is based on gender, which is a spectrum. So an example of genderism is man being discriminated because he is too feminism. In genderism anything feminine is seen as weak.

        Nahida and I are both feminine feminists (she a little more than I) and we’ve both had to put up with people thinking we’re weak because we like pretty things. Genderism.

        Oh shut up. You know what questions Mira was referring to. What are these “glowing terms” you’re referring to anyway? She said she admired real journalism. And Al Jazeera has it. You’re only uncomfortable with any perspective that differs from your own.

        Anyone who watches Glenn Beck or listens to Michael Weiner most certainly hates America.

        I am going to stop speaking for Nahida now, because it’s not something I should be doing…

      • Debora

        I mean and example of genderism would be if a man were discriminated against because he is too feminine* and not “manly” enough. Excuse me. Not because of his sex, but where he is in the gender spectrum.

      • Steve

        Yeah, and that Toyko Rose sure covered World War II well, didn’t she!

        Al Jazeera the #1 Death to America news source in the world.

        Popular with Jihadists world wide.

        It’s bin Laden’s favorite News Network.

      • Steve

        David, she really hates Jews now. Just as much as she hates Americans (though she was born and raised in America so does that mean she hates herself). She prays for the day that the Jihad reaches America and Sharia Law can be enacted, just like it is about to be enacted in Egypt.

      • Debora

        David, I trust you’ll remember that Steve was the one who said Israel was doomed.

        I’m Jewish.

        Also, you’re dead to me.

      • Steve

        Israel is Doomed.

        This Egypt thing is just the start of this process.

        One of Obama’s main goals is the destruction of Israel.

      • Steve

        Debora, you either are lying about being a Jew or you are one of those self-hating Jews we have heard so much. If you are a Jew then al Jazeera is the voice of your enemy. Well, that’s also the case if you are an American.

        Too bad you are too young to remember the Soviet Newspaper Pravda.

        No one took it seriously back then. Just like no one now takes al Jazeera seriously except for people who already have a hatred for America and the Jews.

      • Mira

        Yo, Steve. Stop pulling things outta your ass and gimme a quote or a link where she says she hates Jews, will ya?

        She gives one line of thanks to Al Jazeera (which is GREAT btw) for covering Egypt in depth and you forget all the times she’s “convinced you there are patriotic Muslims.” It really shows that you’ve always been Islamophobic and never truly trusted her.

        All while using personal facts about her. You people are so nosey.

      • Steve

        Al Jazeera is a joke. Only anti-Americans would like such a channel.

      • David


        Well, I couldn’t ask her on her blog since I was afraid my remark would be construed as “Zionist”. 🙂

        I’m not sure what “Zionist things” are, and which people “get racist” when speaking them. But there are people who say such things when defending the Arab viewpoint. Those racist remarks are not intrinsic to my viewpoint or the Arab viewpoint, so why single this out?

        In general, instead of specifying all those isms, I think it would be better to just write “discriminatory comments will not be tolerated.”

        I agree, I don’t recall her saying that specifically, it was just my impression, as you think too. If she’s not, of course there’s no point to my comment – waste of time. But my impression was that she strives to be.

        Thanks for the explanation re genderism and sexism (though that’s way too PC for me).

        Steve, I don’t know why you say she hates Jews. I only commented on what I see, not what I don’t. If you said the Muslim Brotherhood hates Jews, that I would agree – they are the main purveyor of Jew-hatred in the Middle East (they publish Mein Kampf, encourage books and movies reviving blook libels, etc).

        As to Israel being doomed: Deborah, it doesn’t bother me that Steve says that. You need to have a thick skin to be a Zionist, or a Jew for that matter. Just look at all the filth on the Internet – a thin-skinned Zionist would commit suicide.

    • Steve

      Unfortunately, I have checked into her blog and she has become very radicalized since entering college.

      I think she might have gone HOMEGROWN!

      She really hates America now and wants to see it destroyed.

      I feel very sad about that because she used to be able to convince me that there are some good patriotic Muslims out there. Well, while that may be true we have one less one now.

      Nahida, I will try to not take your radicalization as an indictment of all Muslims in America though it is indeed pretty hard to. She does show the ease at which “Normal” Muslims become homegrowns. And she shows the need for a Patriot Act to protect our citizens from people like her.

      • Alan

        Gosh, she really hates America now doesn’t she. She is talking like a Jihadist and using all kinds of anti-American sources.

        You know I guess you could blame the Internet for it, but I don’t think it’s is correct. We have had subversives long before we had the Internet.

      • Debora

        So! This is the source of Nahida’s strange audience.

        Anti-American sources, Alan? Really? I suppose any source that isn’t from America is anti-American. People like you disgust me. You’re afraid of the rest of the world. You’re sitting in that little shell of yours thinking everyone is out to get you. Get the hell over yourself. Egypt doesn’t care about what it means for America if they have a revolution. They care that they’ve been starving. And if you’re against something like this, something that could lead to better treatment for people, you’re despicable.

        You all seem to be forgetting the Nahida is a feminist. She’s not one-dimensional like the rest of you. Feminists do not go well with “Muslim” extremists. She’s not going to take violence from ANY side. Steve, I don’t even know what your problem is. Like she said to you before, it must be very convenient for you to know so much about her. How old are you Steve? What state do you live in? What’s your racial background? “People like her.” WTF is that supposed to mean? You only say things like this because you know her religion, and you’re Islamophobic. What about “people like you”?! People who show no empathy or consideration.

        I saw your comment on her entry–an entry where she said nothing hateful, only described her struggles to be accepted. I didn’t reply to it there because it would be a derail, and I actually respect her enough to not talk about my own needs all the time, unlike you. What are you, five?

        She was right to abandon this place. Look what she gets after she leaves. She tried her best to connect to you all, and the first thing you do once she’s gone is make outrageous assumptions and heinous accusations.

        You’re not just mistrusting her now. Put a band-aid on that bleeding heart of yours, Steve. Stop acting like she’s betrayed you. You’ve always mistrusted her. This is why you can’t take her words in good faith. She’s always been the Other to you.

        I won’t be coming back either.

      • Steve

        Al Jazeera? Only terrorists and their supporters watch that.

        It’s slogan is Death to America.

        It’s must kill Americans TV.

      • Debora

        As Nahida is neither, you have been proven wrong.

        Good day.

      • Steve

        Anyone who supports Al Jazeera supports terrorism.

      • Mira

        Steve, you’re an idiot. A delusional, biased idiot.

        No one say anything to Steve until he answer’s all of Debora’s questions!

        Us REAL Americans who don’t hate freedom will support the search for the truth and the overthrowing of corrupt governments!

      • Steve

        I answered Debora.

        By speaking in such glowing terms about the terrorist propaganda news network, she is indeed supporting terrorism.

      • Steve

        We are talking about what she is doing on her new website. Not here.

      • Dean

        It is scary how quickly she has gone all Jihad.

        Didn’t she grow up in America?

        Makes you worry about the Muslim community in America in general.

      • Steve

        I do feel kind of betrayed by Nahida. She came across as this ordinary American who just happened to be Muslim, and now we are to find out that she is a Jihadist.

  68. Steve

    Great episode tonight.

    Sarah really showed that fundamental Muslim.

    But they really need to get rid of Thorne. Now that he isn’t going after Amaar, there’s just no place for him in the show.

  69. I got an email begging me to come back here. Actually, I got three. Geez, people. This is the only time I’ll be visiting.

    Steve, was that a sideways guess at Debbie’s age? Well, cut it out. Especially since you’re wrong. She’s actually much older than me. I don’t know her through class. (Your assumptions are seriously getting annoying.) When she said we met we quite literally met. On a plane.

    You feel betrayed… because I cited Al Jazeera as a source? I guess preferring sources that are actually IN the places they are reporting means I did 9/11 myself doesn’t it! What was I doing on that plane where I ran into Debbie?

    You know what, Steve, I feel betrayed too. And I would say more on that, except I don’t believe most of it should be said in public.

    Debora, thank you for your discretion.

    David–the primary reason I agreed to return for a few minutes!–David,
    You needed only to ask. Debora pretty much hit it right in her reply, which you may not see now thanks to Ida’s assault. Please take the time to scroll up. I went back and forth on Zionism. It was specifically a tone I had in mind. I can still be swayed. We’ll see. If you have any input, I would be more than happy to hear it. Don’t leave it here, though: I won’t see it.

    • Steve

      It was just like citing Toyko Rose or Pravda as a source in previous ages!

      It was VERY anti-American!

      • Jasmine

        Deborah, being accused of terrorism wasn’t the worst thing Nahida left unpublished.

        She also got a couple of rape threats. (Not from anyone here, they were Anonymous.)

      • Steve

        Gosh, that is indeed terrible. There is some very evil people in this world.

        I guess if I was a female I probably would hate males too, especially with all she has been through.

        But as a male this puts me in a tough situation. I have never, ever entertained the thought of raping someone, not even as a fantasy. I have a mother, I have a sister, I love them and care what happens to them. I do think that rapists should be executed or at the very least locked up for life. Now I am talking about aggressive attack rapists not “he said she said” stuff where it gets grey. I would like to see them put to death.

        There are way too many of them in our society. And society has been way too lenient on them. So yeah, I understand hating males, perhaps if I was a female I would hate them as well, but as a male, I can say I don’t think like rapists do, not even a little bit and want to see them removed from our society.

        I hope Nahida watches herself. This is indeed evil and scary!

        But then again, the emails could come from radical feminists wanting to radicalize her even further. I have heard of that happening. But to be safe, she should take the threats seriously and report them to the authorities though they probably won’t be able to trace it and probably will say that there’s nothing they can do. But at least there will be a documented record of this happening.

        On much of the feminist stuff I don’t disagree with Nahida. I don’t think we live in a “rape culture” but there are far too many dangerous males out there.

      • Steve

        I don’t think she is a terrorist quite yet, but she does seem to be beginning to support that element through her support of their propaganda mouthpiece. Watching Jihadi television isn’t a good sign.

        She has gone this far in so little time who knows where she will be in a years time or so.

      • Jasmine

        Uhm. Nahida doesn’t hate men. They weren’t emails, they were comments. And she would be very offended if she knew you even suggested feminists would do such a thing. Besides, she was threatened once in real life–but only once–a couple of weeks ago. And it wasn’t by a feminist pretending not to be a feminist. It’s amazing how strong Nahida is. The calm she had when she reacted, you would think the pest didn’t bother her at all. I’m going to shut up about this now, because she probably wouldn’t want me to announce this to the world. I’m a bit of a gossip–even Nahida says so–so to make sure I stay true, I’m going to keep myself from coming back.

        And she didn’t go “far in little time.” She’s used Al Jazeera as a source for years. (Not on television, she doesn’t watch it, and it’s not “jihadi.”) So have I. And a lot of people. It’s really weird that you suddenly feels she’s so alien. She’s the same person. She’s really sweet and really passionate. And she wouldn’t hurt a fly. She literally won’t kill ants. She sweeps them out a broom.

      • Steve

        I am very sad that Nahida hates America and Jews so much as to support al Jazeera’s hate speak. It does seem like she misrepresented herself here.

        Either that or she sure has changed in a very small amount of time.

      • Mira

        I think we ought to let the Jews decide what they find offensive! And neither David (assuming he’s Jewish) nor Debora found her offensive.

        So stop speaking for them.

        And for us! Are you the representative of all Americans now, Steve? Many of us here do not feel Al Jazeera is a “jihadi” program. And we–and Nahida–are Americans.

        The only sad thing here is that you hate Nahida now, for no apparent reason.

        Pathetically easy.

      • Steve

        You and Nahida are America HATERS!

        That’s why you love al Jazeera!

    • Steve

      Also you don’t remember the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

      I do.

      That Revolution started out the same way this current Egyptian one has!

      • Jasmine

        Inspired by Tunisia and a guy being brutally beaten by the police?

        Drop the age Steve.

      • Steve

        With age comes a little experience.

        I remember Jimmy Carter. Barely but I do remember him. And we are still suffering the after effects.

        This is the same scenario being played out yet again. History does seem to repeat itself when people ignore its lessons.

        I don’t remember Castro’s rise to power but I have read that he was herald in the US as a great democratic reformer. So was Stalin by the way though the term they used back then was “agrarian reformer”.

        Same kind of buzz with all those situations that we have now with Egypt. In a year or so Egypt will be this radical state. I hope they don’t blow up the Pyramids like the Taliban destroyed ancient Buddhist relics in Afghanistan.

        And of course you can Kiss Israel’s Ass goodbye. In the end don’t really know if long term that’s a bad thing or not.

      • Steve

        This is all about establishing a Caliphate!

      • Mira

        Remembering things =/= wisdom.

        And it’s funny how Nahida’s “tender” age is only used against her when you have nothing else. You seem to completely disregard her possible sensitives when accusing her of supporting mass murderers.

        That is all. Gbye.

      • Steve

        Mira, it looks like the demonstrations are becoming violent.

        As anyone with a little perspective would have expected.

      • Steve

        David, supporting al Jazeera is supporting hatred towards Jews. Only someone who hates Jews could support al Jezeera.

    • David

      Whoa, the primary reason? What an honor!

      I did see Deborah’s reply, and I replied to her.

      Though you know I live in Israel, and I’m pretty right-wing to boot, I would hope you have not seen that sort of tone in my (infrequent) comments here.

      Thanks for the invite to your blog. I may pop in, here and there, though the subject of feminism doesn’t interest me as it does you.

      I would also point out that from discussions I’ve had here with Arabs (contrary to what some of you out there might think, we share the same trains, tax offices, etc, so there is a decent amount of interchange), when an Arab thinks of Zionism, he immediately think of someone who wants to displace Palestinians (aside from the Lebanese, Jordanians, and Kuwaitis, who’ve done that in far more brutal fashion over the years). Whereas for me, it means someone who believes that Jews should lives in Israel. I know you might say that the two are inextricably intertwined, and I don’t want to go there. But what I’m saying is that the associations the word generates are quite different.

      BTW, regarding what I wrote before about interchange, there’s a great show here in Israel, written by a noted Arab screenwriter, about an Arab family living here and how they fit in. It’s called “Arab Labor” (or Labour, as it’s spelled here under the British influence) and is quite humorous.

      Unfortunately, the dialogue is in Hebrew and Arabic, with subtitles in Hebrew and Arabic. So unless one knows one of those languages, forget it.

      I’ll send this to your blog also, as you said you’re outta here.

      • Steve

        Israel is doomed but I am not saying that’s a good thing.

        I knew it the moment that Obama was elected.

    • Mira

      What are you doing expressing concern about the threats she’s been getting, Steve, if you just want her locked up in Guantanamo?

      I’m done here.

  70. Jasmine

    just thought i’d let everyone know she’s taken it out after she got David’s comment.

    She told me this morning, “All I need is one Zionist who means no harm. That is enough.”

  71. Jasmine

    Oh, and Steve, just a hint:

    You’re doing it wrong.

  72. Steve

    A girl named Hena, age 14, was murdered by local Sharia Committee at Shariatpur in the southern part of Bangladesh. The daughter of poor farmer named Darbesh Kha, Hena was forcefully abducted and raped on January 30, 2011 during late at night by Mahbub, age 40. During this abuse, villagers arrived in response to the cries of Hena. At the same time, the imam of the local mosque, a man named Mofiz Uddin, and a few teachers of Madrassa [Koranic School] led by Saiful Islam, also arrived; instead of taking any action against the rapist, the Muslim clergymen took Hena inside the Madrassa and locked her in a room. The following day, the same imam and some of members of the Sharia Committee in the village sat for a trial of Hena on charges of “immoral sexuality” before marriage. Later the committee decided to punish Hena with 200 lashes, and took financial penalty of only TK. 10,000 [US$ 150] from the rapist.

    During the lashing, Hena became unconscious; when she was rushed to the nearby village hospital, the attending doctors declared her dead.

    After lodging a murder case with the local police station, a few influential members of the local mosque committee, as well as Sharia Law Committee, are telling members of media that Hena was involved in “immoral activities,” and the villagers caught her red-handed while she was having physical relations with a villager; and that later the Sharia Law Committee punished Hena for such anti-Islamic and immoral activities. They denied admitting that Hena died during being lashed. Further, a few political leaders in the area are frantically trying to save the rapist and the members of the Sharia Law Committee.

    Sharia Law Committees are becoming influential in a number of Muslim nations. Although the committees are illegal under local laws, there has never been any action against such groups by any government: these Sharia Law Committees are comprised of influential leaders of the locality as well as members of various political parties and fronts.

    On average, in Bangladesh, several hundred rural females fall victim to such rulings and lashings, as well to other forms of “Islamic Penalties,” as Shariah Law Committees become increasingly prevalent.

  73. Fatima


    Talk about crazy bitch logic! Where the connection here? THE WOMAN WAS PROVOKING THEM? If you believe this is the same thing then you must think the woman was provoking her own rape!

    Nahida, I’m glad you’ve finally banned him and will cease to communicate with this bigoted monster.

    • Fatima

      I watched for about 6 minutes before I couldn’t stand it. He asked on what basis did she say “I do”?! Most families don’t even let their daughters get to know her future spouse and there are pressures for her to marry–as soon as possible, while she’s still young! Victim blaming bullshit.

      This place has gone to the dogs. I’m out.

  74. Susan

    This show could really be funny if they would take it the way the show “Portlandia” went.

    Make fun of the hypocrisy of the liberals of the town particularly Sarah, Mrs Winpinski, and really show how the Mayor legally scams the town.

    I think they should have an episode where the city hosts a very expensive “Muslim Understanding” Campaign with the whole funny part being that the more the Mayor tries to act like she isn’t prejudiced against the Muslims the more she proves she is.

  75. Steve

    AMAAR’s organazation sent money to TERRORISTS!

    Okay, not on the show but the real life equivalent to the organization that Amaar was going to work for.

  76. Steve

    Oh, and Nahida


  77. Jay

    The truth about Muslims.

  78. Season 6

    Sarah and Rayyan help each other come to terms with Sarah’s divorce.

  79. Season 6

    Episode 2: Amaar tries to solve Rayyan’s problems at work.

  80. Season 6

    Episode 3: Amaar tries to impress Rayyan.

  81. Season 6

    Episode 4: Amaar gets close to winning a Multi-Faith Award and Baber and Thorne fight over the prize.

  82. Season 6

    Oops. Part 2 of episode 4

  83. Season 6

    Episode 5: Amaar and Rayyan’s first dinner party is interrupted; Thorne’s brother Charles arrives in Mercy.

  84. Season 6

    And part 2 of episode 5.

  85. Season 6

    The description for the next episode is: “Amaar unexpectedly gets a sign from above.”

    The description for the following episode after that: “Everyone finds out Amaar’s inspiration for his new Mosque came from a chicken.”

    Sounds like it might be entertaining.

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