Season 2 – Episode 15 – Wheat Week

Synopsis:  The mayor tries to have the ” Wheat Week ” celebration canceled but this move lands her in hot water with the people of Mercy.

The Mayor wants to scrap “Wheat Week”, Mercy’s beloved summer festival. It’s Sarah’s job to find a way to put a positive spin on the cancellation. And Yasir struggles to enjoy a football match on his new big-screen TV, while Rayyan and Fatima suffer from bad hair days — which can happen, even under a headscarf.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Videos courtesy of mydien

What did you think of this episode? How does it compare to the previous episode?

Are there any other topics from the episode that you want to discuss?


Filed under Season 2 - Episode 15

125 responses to “Season 2 – Episode 15 – Wheat Week

  1. Kevin

    So, last week the town almost banished English and this week it tries to destroy a Cultural Tradition in the city.

    It is not so much us giving them accommodations that bothers us but when they try to take away our traditions, our culture, that’s when we really get mad.

    Yeah, mock Wheat Week if you must but its festivals such as these that unite and bond together a community. And when out of “cultural sensitivity” something like this is banned, well you should be able to understand why we might be angry.

    Now of course in reality it wasn’t really the whole Muslim community against this festival. It was the liberals in the town who co-opted just a few Muslims to do their bidding (ok it was the liberal mayor and just one Muslim-Baber but the point still stands). This is often how it is in real life as well.

    I heard that in Seattle they tried to ban Christmas trees from the airport. This wasn’t the doing of Muslims but because of a Jewish guy.

    That is why I was really, really, really appreciative when a major Muslim organization in the UK came out in support of Christmas. I was really touched by that and it improved my view on Muslims in general.

  2. Bronwen

    “Now of course in reality it wasn’t really the whole Muslim community against this festival. It was the liberals in the town who co-opted just a few Muslims to do their bidding (ok it was the liberal mayor and just one Muslim-Baber but the point still stands).”

    No, the point does not stand. There is no point. You have outright admitted that the point you are trying to make (that Muslims are to blame for overriding “real” North American culture, whatever that is) does not exist. The POINT of this episode is that the Muslims were scapegoated for trying to take away a local tradition and it was NOT their fault. Scapegoating was the point. What you are doing right now was the point.

  3. Kevin

    The point is the effect that one Muslim (or a small group of vocal Muslims) who file a complaint (not only Muslim but all “minority groups”) can have upon society.

    Yeah Baber was manipulated by the Mayor but that often happens too where minority groups are used by others with their own agenda.

  4. Kevin

    I would say it was their fault in the respect they didn’t realize how important this tradition was and their need to vocally stand up in favor of this tradition since a member of their community was trying to take it away.

  5. Kevin

    I would say it was their fault in the respect they didn’t realize how important this tradition was to the community as a whole.

  6. Max

    I heard about a school district that banned Halloween because one member of the Wiccan religion complained that it re-enforced negative stereotypes against witches. Now most other members of the Wiccan groups said that was silly and they didn’t want to ruin Halloween for others, but because of that one person, the school district canceled Halloween festivals.

    So you are right Kevin. This kind of stuff really happens.

  7. Kay

    Kevin, you sound so bitter – I think this might be clouding your judgment. You are way off of this one. No group was trying to take anything away from another – the Mayor is the guilty party here (as usual) as she redirected funds for her own benefit (as usual). Bronwen is correct – the Muslim community was used as a scapegoat for the Mayor to hide behind. The rest of the community found out that it really wasn’t any Muslim’s fault the festival was cancelled, Sarah found a solution, and the Mayor came out smelling like a rose again. Please relax, this is a comedy show, not a documentary and they take situations and stretch them very far in order to make it funny.

  8. Kevin

    Baber was trying to get the festival closed down.

    Sure the mayor was behind it, but it would have been much more difficult for her if she didn’t have the whole “Muslim” angle that Baber’s opposition gave her.

    And I am sure Baber gave Muslim reasons for his opposition. Yeah, every other Muslim didn’t agree with him, but the public in general couldn’t see that because the excuse the Mayor was giving was that the town would be sued by Muslims if the festival went forward. So the Muslims needed to be vocal and speak up and tell the rest of the community that this was not the case, that it was all just one Muslim and not a reflection on the feeling of the community and they needed to get out their and strongly opposed the cancellation of the festival. They might not like the festival but they should have realized how important it was to the rest of the community and as an act of support for the wider community joined them in protest.

    On a side note:

    I am surprised that Fred wasn’t arrested for a “Hate Crime” for throwing that wheat cereal at Amaar.

  9. Kevin

    “this is a comedy show, not a documentary and they take situations and stretch them very far in order to make it funny.”

    The sad thing as Max showed with the story of the Wiccan lady and Halloween and I with the Jewish guy and the Christmas trees at the airport, they don’t have to stretch the situations very far indeed. They perhaps stretch these situations a little but, but still I can really relate them to actual situations going on in my society.

  10. Kevin

    “They perhaps stretch these situations a little but, but still I can really relate them to actual situations going on in my society.”

    I meant “a little bit”.

    What makes them so funny is the truth you can find within these situations. Yeah, they exaggerate a little for comedic effect, but again the sad thing is with the way things are going in in real world they really don’t exaggerate that much.

  11. Kevin

    “they needed to get out there and strongly oppose the cancellation of the festival.”

    After all how were the people to know that practically all the Muslims were not against the festival if all they are hearing is the mayor’s side? They should have joined in Fred’s demonstration the moment they found out that the Mayor was using them.

  12. Nahida

    I don’t think they were fully aware that the mayor was using them. Even when Rayyan went to get her hair cut she didn’t fully understand the reason behind the animosity. She thought the hairdresser took down the blinds for the exact reason she said she did. And when wheat week was mentioned, she was only confused and didn’t have time to think or ask about it any further.

  13. Nahida

    This episode helped me like Sarah again. She was strong in the beginning of the first season as well, but then it seemed to me that she was losing her character. I know it was for a comical affect, but the writer seemed to have forgotten who Sarah was. Her strength turned into a conceited weakness.

    Sarah was caught between telling the truth and her job. And she told the truth. That was the Sarah I remembered.

  14. Nahida

    By the way, was that an all-girl salon or something? ‘Cause just because there’re blinds up doesnt mean some guy can’t walk in. . .

  15. Nahida

    Oh yeah, and also, Amaar couldn’t figure out what was going on either, because when he stepped out they started throwing cereal at him before he could ask what all that was about.

    So I really don’t think they knew they were being used.

  16. Adara

    “Maybe…you have an ugly hijab.”

  17. Adara

    So um, can anyone give any real-life anecdotes regarding the bad haircuts thing?? I’m afraid this hijabi has never encountered that situation (myself or noticed in others)…

  18. Bronwen

    I think it’s supposed to be a complete joke, ie, not true but a funny idea.

    I thought this episode was one of the best yet in general — really sweet and funny.

  19. Samina

    February 1, 2008 at 12:27 am
    “Maybe…you have an ugly hijab.”

    February 1, 2008 at 12:36 am
    So um, can anyone give any real-life anecdotes regarding the bad haircuts thing?? I’m afraid this hijabi has never encountered that situation (myself or noticed in others)…

    Baber only has to be in the show for two minutes and he will have you in hysterics. “Maybe you have an ugly hijaab” – hes says things in such a simple way that you can’t help but laugh.

    I think the bad hair day was exagerrated slightly in the sense that I don’t think people can notice whether or not a hijaabi is having a bad hair day or not unless you mention it.

  20. Samina


    You are so unbelievably bitter why don’t you run along and moan to someone who cares? People on here just want to discuss the show from an entertainment point of view.

  21. Kevin

    But the show is supposed to be more than just mere entertainment. That is how it has always been promoted.

  22. Did you know that in the UK the Government Schools have banned teachers from using the words “Mum” and “Dad”?

    I know that doesn’t really relate to this topic but I really can’t understand how Muslims can go to the government schools without having significant problems with what the schools are teaching the children there. The same goes for Christians but I would think that for Muslims going to a government school would be haraam since what they teach there goes so against the Islamic faith.

    I wish they would have more shows about Baber and the problems he has with the way the government schools are teaching his daughter.

  23. Jenny

    I wish the people commenting here could just enjoy the show and see it for what it is. If you guys want to have a forum for in-depth issues and turning minor plot details into major issues, then maybe get another forum for that … i miss all the comments discussing the show. Another good episode!!

  24. It would have been great had the Muslims gotten involved in the protest against the mayor. It would have shown them getting involved in something in support of the larger community instead of only getting involved when its something that just offends themselves.

    For that is how many see Muslims. Only concerned about their issues and not issues that effect the larger community.

    Wheat Week might not be a big thing with the Muslims who have not lived in Mercy a long time, but for those who grew up there it was a tradition. And at a time where tradition after tradition is being banned out of some misinterpretation of “inclusiveness” it would have been great to see them stand up and support something that the larger community supports.

    Here is what the Muslims of England did when people started falsely blaming them for destroying Christmas.

  25. Kevin

    Amaar standing up in support of Wheat Week would have been a perfect opportunity to gain goodwill with the larger community. But he blew it.

    There is general feeling that Muslims as well as other minority groups are just ripping our traditions away from us. This feeling is reflected in the article below.

    A strong statement of support of Wheat Week from the Iman of Mercy Mosque (instead of saying I wouldn’t be caught dead at Wheat Week) would have allayed people’s fears and showed that this wasn’t what was happening with Wheat Week. Had he joined in unity with Fred over this issue people would have remembered that support and would be appreciative, just like I am appreciative of the support that Muslims in England has given to Christmas over the last several years.

    This was a golden opportunity for Amaar to promote a positive image of Muslims to the larger community but he blew it. And such opportunities don’t come up that often.

  26. Nahida

    Alex, about the whole ‘mum and dad’ and ‘mom and dad’ being changed to ‘parents’ thing–well, first, I think it’s ridiculous because (I’m not lesbian) but if I was I wouldn’t find it offensive at all if people used the words ‘mom and dad’ and I truly doubt any homosexuals really would find it offensive unless they were truly truly insecure about themselves and I think it’s as awful as more people putting ‘Happy Holidays’ on the signs over lots that sell Christmas trees instead of ‘Merry Christmas’ because for crying out loud Christmas trees ARE for Christmas. I’m all for making everyone feel welcome but after a while it gets ridiculous–especially if no one is really being offended. I think people who are oversensitive are making things a lot worse than they really are. . .

    As for the whole thing about public schools being haraam–I don’t know about other things but as far as homosexuality goes, there are things in Islam which Muslims are not allowed to judge on Earth because they are left for God alone to judge. Homosexuality in Islam in a sin, but that doesn’t give Muslims the right to take away the rights from homosexuals. You can’t NOT give someone a job they are completely qualified for just because they’re gay. You can’t NOT give someone an apartment room who keeps it clean and pays rent just because they’re gay. In short, while Islam is strictly against homosexuality, it’s something that is NOT punishable by other Muslims unless there is some other crime involved that is actually actively hurting someone else (i.e. if they individual is a thief, a rapist, etc.). Homosexuality is something that’s real, and reality is something to be acknowledged.

    Not by banning the words ‘mum and dad’ though. That’s ridiculous.

  27. I think it is important to emphasize that lots of time the Muslims (or whatever minority group) are not the original cause of the problem. After all, it was Sarah’s idea to put up a foreign language sign to welcome people to Mercy. And in the case of this week’s show it was the Mayor who was the original source of the problem who then got Baber involved. Both problems were caused by white Anglo Canadians.

    What immigrants need to understand when dropping themselves into a Western society is that we are a culture at war with ourselves. So often times our real problem is with our own people and the immigrants just get mixed up in it all.

    We wouldn’t have as much problem incorporating Islamic traditions into the public square if it wasn’t for the fact that a misinterpretation of the 1st Amendment is forcing Christian tradition out of the public square. Well the 1st Amendment is an American concept but it seems like something similar is going on in Canada.

    You can promote Islamic traditions in the public square but not Christian? You can teach about the Islamic religion in the government schools but not Christianity? You can understand why that might make people very, very angry. It’s not so much they hate Muslims, but it’s the hypocrisy that one group gets to do something barred to another group (and in this case a majority group).

    I guess all I can say is that immigrants need to look outside themselves and look to the larger context where this conflict is being played out. And then be careful when choosing sides. There is a significant irony right now where many Muslims are choosing to side with the Left even though the kind of society that the Left in America wants is totally against how most all Muslims want to live.

    Muslims need to realize that this is now the society they live in too and they will be effected negatively by the continued plunge into decadence that the Left is driving western society into.

    Sure, on immigration issues and such, the Left may seem like your friend. But ultimately in this unholy alliance you are going to have to face the fact that the left will want to change or destroy you just like what they have done to Christians in Western society.

    The best thing to do is to stand in support of the society’s traditions even though they aren’t your own. Like in this article.

    It does really win people over to supporting you. I know I that’s how I feel.

  28. “As for the whole thing about public schools being haraam–I don’t know about other things but as far as homosexuality goes, ”

    But isn’t it haraam for a child to be taught that homosexuality is an appropriate alternative lifestyle?

    Isn’t it haraam for a child to have sex “education” forced down them as young as first grade as the Left has proposed?

    Many conservative and indeed not even that conservative Christians have started abandoning the public schools for just that reason. They have either moved to the Christian private schools or even home schools (as many so called “Christian” schools are beginning to do the same things seen in the public schools).

    Of course it is up to each parent to decide what is best for their children, but from what I know of Islam I would think that the Imans would encourage Muslims whenever possible to stay away from the public schools.

  29. I read somewhere that Baber despite being himself socially conservative always votes Liberal. Talk about cognitive dissonance but I really believe there are people like that in real life who behave that way.

  30. Nahida

    Kevin, did you read the rest of that sentence?

    I said it’s a sin but it can’t be JUDGED by other Muslims. And what’s all this about sex education starting as early as the first grade? Where does THAT happen?

  31. My mistake.

    As early as Kindergarten.

    It is happening in California.

  32. Here is an article about it happening in New York

    “Children receive Kinseyan instruction through many programs. Growing Healthy is a New York curriculum for students in kindergarten through seventh grade. A section on homosexuality uses long-disproven figures from Kinsey’s research that 10 percent of the population is homosexual.”

  33. Here is what California Laws say about sex education.

    “If a district chooses to provide sex education, it may do so in grades kindergarten through 12, but certain topics must be covered beginning in seventh grade.”

    Barack Obama, US Presidential candidate has stated that he believes that sex education should begin in kindergarten nationwide. So if a Muslim votes for him because “he’s ethnic” or because his dad was Muslim this is what they are condemning their children to. If their children go to private school still they are condemning their children to living in a society where they have to associate with people who have been forced to have this happen to them.

  34. Nahida



    Well, at least it’s also anti-harassement. . .

  35. Nahida

    Obama wants the troops out of Iraq. If Muslims vote for him, that would be why. We’ve already learned not to vote for a president because of religion. When George W. Bush ran for president the Muslims voted for him because Kerry had a Jewish past and they mistakenly believed that he would be less understanding than a Christian. At least that’s what was going on where I lived.

    Now they’re all wishing they’d voted for Kerry.

  36. Well, do what you will but realize that you have to live in this society as well.

    Or are you hoping to move back to an Islamic country soon?

  37. muslim_girl

    Good episode. Didn’t really get the hijab bad hair day thing tho unless its supposed to be completely fictional cuz i wear a hijab and have hijabi friends and have never noticed that. I cut my hair so that it looks nice when my girl friends or my family come over.

    Amaar’s closeness around Sarah and especially Rayaan is really starting to bug me. An muslim man ( particularly an iman) doesnt just sit on a two person couch with a woman and share ice cream…its unIslmaic.

    Also, was it just me or did the little thing about recycling at the beginning of the episode have no revelance whatsoever to the rest of the episode?

    Just for the person who commented on Amaar also not liking wheat week, I think the point was that he’s from Toronto so he has less respect for something like Wheat Week, and not at all because he’s muslim.

    Can’t wait for the next episode. I love this show!

  38. “Just for the person who commented on Amaar also not liking wheat week, I think the point was that he’s from Toronto so he has less respect for something like Wheat Week, and not at all because he’s muslim.”

    I know that was the real reason. But the Mayor made it appear otherwise. She made it appear it was a Muslim thing. Amaar could have turned it around by supporting Fred and the protest but he wasn’t politically savvy enough to.

    Unlike the Muslims in the UK who stood up in support for Christmas and as a result has gained some goodwill among non-muslims.

  39. Bronwen

    “There is a significant irony right now where many Muslims are choosing to side with the Left even though the kind of society that the Left in America wants is totally against how most all Muslims want to live.”

    Actually, my understanding is that prior to 9/11, the Patriot Act, Afghanistan and Iraq, Muslim Americans were overwhelmingly Republican, and even despite the mess George Bush II has made the GOP enjoys strong support from religious Muslims due to a confluence of “family values.”

    “I said it’s a sin but it can’t be JUDGED by other Muslims. And what’s all this about sex education starting as early as the first grade? Where does THAT happen?”

    A certain version of “sex education” begins in kindegarten in Canada, aimed primarily at keeping children safe from paedophiles. It involves catch-phrases such as “stranger danger” and “trust your feelings, your body belongs to you.” I doubt there are many who would object on the grounds of religion (although some, myself among them, object to children being taught that they are not safe to play outside).

  40. Nahida

    “Or are you hoping to move back to an Islamic country soon?”

    Kevin, what the hell is your problem?

  41. “(although some, myself among them, object to children being taught that they are not safe to play outside).”

    They aren’t safe to play outside. Not without a trusted adult watching them.

  42. My problem is that this year I am not going to have even a choice in the Presidential Elections. All the candidates are leftists and it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. That is if they ever do get better and that hasn’t been the direction things have been going in my lifetime.

    It’s not fun seeing the Death of the West.

  43. Adara

    Well, I like Barack Obama. Sorry if that makes you cry.
    I wish people would stop treating Islam (or the Democratic party, for that matter) as a monolithic thing that is ONE way, The End. They’re multi-faceted and lovely groups, encompassing lots of different people and viewpoints. It’s fully possible to be liberal/Democrat and a “good” Muslim (whatever that is) at the same time.

  44. Bronwen

    “They aren’t safe to play outside. Not without a trusted adult watching them.”

    Rubbish. As long as they are in groups and can easily access a parent or guardian they can collectively assert themselves against potential threat. They need to learn a certain amount of street sense. There are no more paedophiles in the world now than there were fifty years ago (proportionate to population) and fifty years ago children played outside as a matter of course. The fact that they don’t now is a huge part of what’s feeding (pun unintended) the obesity epidemic.

  45. Kevin

    Adara, you just like talking about “Decadent Infidals”. That just makes you feel superior so the further we go into decadence the more superior you feel.

    You probably think that when our society sinks to the lowest level then people will turn to Islam as an escape. Well, you are underestimating the Left. In the end they will eat you alive.

  46. Kevin

    “There are no more paedophiles in the world now than there were fifty years ago (proportionate to population) ”

    Actually there are Bronwen. It is due to the whole sexual revolution that has taken place in our society over the last fifty years.

    It is also due to the fact that vigilante justice isn’t as common as it was fifty years ago. Now I am not a particular fan of vigilante justice but it does serve some purposes. And the judges in our society are far too soft when it comes to sentencing such people letting them out far too early.

  47. Kevin

    It’s fully possible to be liberal/Democrat and a “good” Muslim (whatever that is) at the same time.

    Nope. No it isn’t.

    You can’t really be a good Christian and a leftist either.

  48. Bronwen Jones

    “Actually there are Bronwen. It is due to the whole sexual revolution that has taken place in our society over the last fifty years.”

    What absolute bosh. You cannot substantiate that based on any facts whatsoever.

    “You can’t really be a good Christian and a leftist either.”

    I would argue the reverse — it is impossible to be a good Christian and a conservative, as economic conservatives ignore Jesus’ message of justice for the poor and social conservatives ignore “judge not lest ye be judged.” Oh hey, look — I’ve substantiated my claim, a rhetorical method to which you seem allergic.

    As for your claim about Muslim democrats — on what POSSIBLE basis do you assert a right to judge other people for how they interpret and practice a religion which ISN’T EVEN YOURS?

  49. Bronwen Jones

    “Actually there are Bronwen. It is due to the whole sexual revolution that has taken place in our society over the last fifty years.”

    What absolute bosh. You cannot substantiate that based on any facts whatsoever.

    “You can’t really be a good Christian and a leftist either.”

    I would argue the reverse — it is impossible to be a good Christian and a conservative, as economic conservatives ignore Jesus’ message of justice for the poor and social conservatives ignore “judge not lest ye be judged.” Oh hey, look — I’ve substantiated my claim, a rhetorical method to which you seem allergic.

    As for your claim about Muslim democrats — on what POSSIBLE basis do you assert a right to judge other people for how they interpret and practice a religion which ISN’T EVEN YOURS?

  50. Kevin

    Adara, I have never voted for a candidate just because he or she happens to be white nor have I voted against a candidate because he or she happens not to be.

    But you on the other hand are voting for a guy just because he is not white. You are the racist here.

    How do I know that you are voting for him because he isn’t white? Well it couldn’t be because of what he believes in because his stance on the issues goes against Islam.

  51. Kevin

    Adara, the only issue that really Obama shares with many Muslims, is that Obama really, really hates America and many Muslims do too.

  52. Kevin

    You misread Christianity. Never did Jesus talk about so called “justice for the poor” (ie. Socialism). He always talked in terms of business and investing and stuff. He never expected the government to get involved in providing for people.

    As for “judging”. He always talked about maintaining a moral code. His problem was that it was the people in power who were violating that code. In the story of the prostitute he did say go and sin no more but he was also making a larger point about the people in the community who themselves were not living moral lives but still criticized the prostitute. He wasn’t saying let’s make prostitution an acceptable part of Jewish society.

  53. Kay

    Kevin, I think it’s time you took a break from this board and take your thoughts elsewhere. You are now at the point of spewing so much hatred that you are ruining the discussion forum for everyone else. I’d like to stick with the episode discussions and not drift off into your diatribes.

  54. Nahida

    Yeah, ANYWAY–

    I find it so amusing that the signs say “Wheat! Not art!”


  55. Greg

    People like you Kay really scare me. You would define simple disagreement as “hate”.

    You remind me of the Nazis, Kay.

  56. Bronwen

    “I find it so amusing that the signs say “Wheat! Not art!””

    Yeah, they finally found themselves a “catchy” slogan but it’s still not exactly inspiring!

    I had another thought about the “bad hair day” hijabis. You could stretch it and see the idea that Muslim women know how to spot a bad haircut under a hijab (when non-hijab-wearing women don’t) as a bit of a subversion of the suspicion of Muslim Americans and Canadians in our societies (and yeah, I mean really stretch it, but bear with me).

    Among Islamophobes the message is often sent out that Muslims are a monolithic and sinister body who are vaguely incomprehensible — have secrets that non-Muslims don’t know, are plotting to take down Western civilisations, blah blah. But here the arcane knowledge that Muslim women share is — how to tell someone has a bad haircut even if she’s put a scarf over it! Like being Muslim or covering one’s head frequently with the hijab gives Muslim women extraordinary powers of perception. A fashion conspiracy. ;o)

  57. Steve

    Greg, what I find so scary is how often the “Cult of Personality” overrides common sense. Obama hasn’t yet even completed his first term in the US Senate. Before that he was just a state legislator.

    He is about as qualified to be President of the United States as the mayor of Mercy is to be PM of Canada.

    But Obama has that “Cult of Personality” thing going for him.

    Cult of Personality

    “Living Colour”

    Look into my eyes, what do you see?
    Cult of personality
    I know your anger, I know your dreams
    Ive been everything you want to be
    Im the cult of personality
    Like mussolini and kennedy
    Im the cult of personality
    Cult of personality
    Cult of personality

    Neon lights, a nobel prize
    The mirror speaks, the reflection lies
    You dont have to follow me
    Only you can set me free
    I sell the things you need to be
    Im the smiling face on your t.v.
    Im the cult of personality
    I exploit you still you love me

    I tell you one and one makes three
    Im the cult of personality
    Like joseph stalin and gandi
    Im the cult of personality
    Cult of personality
    Cult of personality

    Neon lights a nobel prize
    A leader speaks, that leader dies
    You dont have to follow me
    Only you can set you free

    You gave me fortune
    You gave me fame
    You me power in your gods name
    Im every person you need to be
    Im the cult of personality
    Look into my eyes, what do you see?
    Cult of personality
    I know your anger, I know your dreams
    Ive been everything you want to be
    Im the cult of personality
    Like mussolini and kennedy
    Im the cult of personality
    Cult of personality
    Cult of personality

    Neon lights, a nobel prize
    The mirror speaks, the reflection lies
    You dont have to follow me
    Only you can set me free
    I sell the things you need to be
    Im the smiling face on your t.v.
    Im the cult of personality
    I exploit you still you love me

    I tell you one and one makes three
    Im the cult of personality
    Like joseph stalin and gandi
    Im the cult of personality
    Cult of personality
    Cult of personality

    Neon lights a nobel prize
    A leader speaks, that leader dies
    You dont have to follow me
    Only you can set you free

    You gave me fortune
    You gave me fame
    You me power in your gods name
    Im every person you need to be
    Im the cult of personality

  58. Adara

    My comparative religion professors would have a collective heart attack if they saw this *amazing exegesis* about Jesus’ REAL intentions. What’s next–“And Jesus saith: take all the poor people’s money because THEY DESERVE TO BE POOR!”?

    Kevin–I actually have dramatically more nuanced views than what you’re insinuating I believe…and I am solid proof that one can be a Democrat and a striving-to-be-“good” Muslim at the same time. I’m going to just stop there because no matter what I say, I can look forward to numerous rabid, semi-incoherent replies that have little/nothing to do with Little Mosque on the Prairie.

    Hmmm…I hope that, heaven forbid, if one of you know-it-alls needs to go to the hospital, your life gets saved by a LIBERAL MUSLIM medical student!!
    How scary! But they hate Americans! But…but…but…

  59. Kevin

    Adara perhaps they deserve an heart attack if they were trying to portray Jesus as a Marxist. Sure Jesus didn’t believe the poor should be exploited like they often were, but nowhere did he talk about redistribution of wealth or having the government own the means of production, etc.

    The fishermen that he had as his disciples, they owned their boat, not the Jewish government or Rome.

    And no, you can’t be a Muslim and a Liberal. So much of what liberals believe goes against Islam as well as it does Christianity.

  60. Steve

    I believe when it comes to governmental issues you won’t find many comments by Jesus. Jesus wasn’t a politician. He was more interested in individual salvation.

    But Jesus was a strong upholder of a moral code saying that He wasn’t there to replace the Laws of Moses. Therefore then you have to go back to the laws of Moses and also to the Old Testament as it is in the Old Testament where you can find stories about the behavior of governments.

  61. Nahida

    “It’s fully possible to be liberal/Democrat and a “good” Muslim (whatever that is) at the same time.

    Nope. No it isn’t.

    You can’t really be a good Christian and a leftist either.”

    Kevin, if you don’t even KNOW what a good Muslim is, you have no right to say it isn’t possible.

  62. Matt

    When is Ramadan?

    Because a few episodes back they had their Eid episode and now they are supposed to be in Ramadan.

    And Baber he said he was in Pakistan in the 1980s but in a previous episode it was mentioned that he hadn’t been in a plane since they sold cigarettes in the airplanes. Something they had stopped doing by the 1980s.

  63. Nahida


    there are two different Eids–Eid ul Adha (Festivial of the Sacrifice) and Eidu ul Fitr, which comes AFTER Ramadan. The episode you mentioned is the former.

    And I think Baber was exaggerating.

  64. Episode 16 has been online 🙂 its about Ramadan 😀

  65. Lesia

    I have come to the conclusion that were Fred & Barbar to have a son he would be Kevin.

  66. Jenny

    Good call Lesia!!!!!

  67. Matt

    This is what the Democrats support Nahida.

    And, yet you say you can support them and still be a good Muslim?

    Here is another example what the Democrats support.

    You support them, then in fact you are supporting this.

  68. Matt

    But you are going to support all that Nahida just because they have a half black running for president.

    That is true racism.

    You do know that his mother was white and he was raised in Hawaii in a white household with his white grandfather and his white grandmother. On his mother’s side of the family they were slave owners.

  69. Lesia

    OK… Fred and Barbar had twins; Kevin & MATT!

    If you don’t live in San Francisco then really what business is it of yours? If you DO live there then find enough others like your self to have the Folsom Street Fair moved indoors out of the public eye, or at least its “racier” parts.

    And DO NOT knock the Sisters! It shows how VERY little people like you and these “hate e-rags” know about the work this group does when it comes to educating the public on AIDS awareness and the care they give to as many AIDS victims as they can reach throughout the world.

    And why don’t you just come right out and say that you hate Obama and all democrats. At least it would be the honest thing to do. His *true* bio has been all over the various media but what seems to spread faster is the CRAP that isn’t true, only partly true and/or the insinuations that he’s “hiding” something sinister. But here’s the deal; its scaring the crap out of white right wing-NUTS that a person of colour with an exotic sounding name actually stand a good chance of holding the office of President or Vice-President. Not only that but who has the intelligence, presence and common sense to do an excellent job while cleaning up the mess that the worst administration this country has EVER know left behind as well as restoring the goodwill we once had with the rest of the world.

    There is ONE rule that applies to 99.9% of ALL religious belief systems and that is; treat others just as you would want to be treated. If we ALL started living just by that one plain, pure, simple and beautiful rule 99.9% of the worlds problems would vanish and yet we all live in shock when we throw HATE around like Mardi Gras beads and it comes back to us threefold.

  70. Nahida

    “But you are going to support all that Nahida just because they have a half black running for president.

    That is true racism.

    You do know that his mother was white and he was raised in Hawaii in a white household with his white grandfather and his white grandmother. On his mother’s side of the family they were slave owners.”

    Matt where did I ever say that I supported him because he’s half black?

    Stop jumping to conclusions, you sound like you have personal issues.

    Unless of course you do.

    Lesia, let’s give Matt and Kevin a hug! They need our support!

  71. Nahida

    It’s okay Matt. The first step of getting better is admitting you have a problem. =)

    -pat pat-

  72. Lesia

    Hugs are a good place to start Nahida but if that doesn’t work then may I suggest we change their diapers and put them down for a nap. 😉

  73. Matt

    Ok, Lesia I hate Obama and all democrats. I hate what they are doing to my country.

    “But here’s the deal; its scaring the crap out of white right wing-NUTS that a person of colour with an exotic sounding name actually stand a good chance of holding the office of President or Vice-President.”

    I couldn’t care less about his name and skin colour. It’s his policies that I care about. Also I don’t think a first term US Senator is qualified for the highest office in the land.

    It’s those who would vote for him who cares about his skin colour and his name. For if he didn’t have that going for him they would see how unqualified he is.

  74. Matt

    “around like Mardi Gras beads”

    You know how one gets Mardi Gras beads don’t you Lesia?

    Oh, and since I didn’t mention it in my last post, the
    “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence, they mock Catholicism and indeed are quite offensive. Too bad Catholics don’t act more like Muslims.

  75. Matt

    Nahida, you haven’t answered? You are supporting all the stuff that I gave you at the link above. You might not think so, but by supporting the Democrats you certainly are.

  76. Nahida

    “Nahida, you haven’t answered? You are supporting all the stuff that I gave you at the link above. You might not think so, but by supporting the Democrats you certainly are.”

    Matt, excuse me for having a life and not getting back the second you post something.

    If you think all Democrats support that stuff I have nothing to say to you. It’s your own choice and I feel no need to convince you otherwise. It’s not my problem you feel this way. All I can say is that you remind me of the same closedminded people who began the Red Scare, the Holocaust, and continued to carry on the Salem Witch Trials.

    But then–you confirmed this when you said you did hate all democrats and what they’re doing to “your” country.

  77. Nahida

    I actually live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been to the city several times myself, and I can tell you that your sources are not only absuredly biased, but take one event and make it seem as though it was daily religious practice.

  78. Lesia

    >“around like Mardi Gras beads”

    You know how one gets Mardi Gras beads don’t you Lesia? Oh, and since I didn’t mention it in my last post, the
    “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence, they mock Catholicism and indeed are quite offensive.Too bad Catholics don’t act more like Muslims.<

    Oh… you hate catholics as well. No big surprise but just think about that for a second. Try and go back and remember the history you learn in school and not from a dime-store preacher. If it weren’t for catholics there would be NO Xtians, at all. ALL current Xtian faiths are children of the Holy Roman Church. Besides isn’t it bad enough that the Extremist Muslims, the ones TO fear, are acting just the way the Inquisitional catholic church did and the only reason that Evangelicals are as bad, yet, is gun control laws in the US. For the most part though your average catholic and Muslim are very much alike with the exceptions of; bingo, fish fridays and beer.

  79. Lesia

    huh?!?! Not sure where part of that post went. New Orleans is NOT the only Mardi Gras in the US. For the most part the rest are family friendly, such as Mobile Al where one simply holds out their hand for beads.

    As far as the SoPI goes; of course they mock religion! It was religion that labeled AIDS as “gods curse against gays”. Hello?!?! it’s not just a gay problem, its EVERY BODIES problem. And when you post a link you just as good as said it yourself, like using a quote. They picked a religious order that most of the world recognized, nuns, and they at least picked on with a sense of humor. Believe it or not, most catholics get a kick out of it including real nuns.

  80. Nahida

    You go girl!

    oh and–

    “huh?!?! Not sure where part of that post went. ”

    That was cause you used symbols before and after the quotation that are normally used in html codes, so the text following disappeared. xD

    Matt–there is no one in a group of people who is exactly like someone else in the same group. You can not and have no right to judge one individual based on another just because they consider themselves part of the same group. Even Thomas Jefferson showed us that.

  81. Lesia

    >Ok, Lesia I hate Obama and all democrats. I hate what they are doing to my country.I couldn’t care less about his name and skin colour. It’s his policies that I care about. Also I don’t think a first term US Senator is qualified for the highest office in the land.
    It’s those who would vote for him who cares about his skin colour and his name. For if he didn’t have that going for him they would see how unqualified he is.<

    Well now, US Senator still is more experienced than Governor of Texas. Good thing you couldn’t vote for George Washington then.

  82. Lesia

    “huh?!?! Not sure where part of that post went. ”

    That was cause you used symbols before and after the quotation that are normally used in html codes, so the text following disappeared. xD

    DUH! Is my face red!

  83. Nahida

    No worries. =)

  84. Matt

    “it’s not just a gay problem, its EVERY BODIES problem. ”

    No, it really isn’t Lesia. It’s just a problem with those who have unprotected sex. In other words it’s just a problem for sluts.

  85. Matt

    Lesia I don’t hate Catholics. Quite the opposite. That is why I don’t believe their religion should be mocked. It is because I like them so much that I wish they would stand up stronger when their religion is attacked.

  86. Matt

    Nahida you support the party then you support their policies. And that is where their policies lead to. Is that the kind of society you want?

  87. Matt

    Lesia Obama took office in 2005 to the US Senate. Before that he was a state senator.

    Three years, and you think that is enough experience? You are the one looking at colour here.

  88. Nahida

    “Nahida you support the party then you support their policies.”

    For the q0495894235th time, they’re not all the same.


    “Three years, and you think that is enough experience?”

    Did you NOT read what she said about George Washington?!

  89. Nahida

    Matt, I don’t even know what you’re trying to do. GUILT me into switching parties? Give it up. You’re wasting your time. I know who I am and I know what I support–there are extremists everwhere, including in political parties. Are you going to tell me I’m a terrorist next?

  90. Nahida

    I know Republicans who want to smoother Iraq to ashes, kill their leaders, and convert them all to Christianity. Do you associate yourself with them as well? Is that why you believe that just because I’m with the Democratic party I embrace ALL of their causes?

    I have nothing to say to you.

  91. Lesia

    (“it’s not just a gay problem, its EVERY BODIES problem. ”

    No, it really isn’t Lesia. It’s just a problem with those who have unprotected sex. In other words it’s just a problem for sluts.)

    Really? Just the “sluts” have to worry.

    A “slut” is a newly orphaned child whose parents have both died from AIDS and may or may not have themselves depending on the availability of certain treatments during the mothers pregnancy.

    A “slut” is a 9-12 girl raped is Africa because some native healer told the guy with AIDS you have to “screw” a virgin to cure it.

    A “slut” is a married woman whose husband infected her with AIDS due to his cheating or drug use.

    A “slut” is the person who got AIDS from a blood product in the third world.

    We’re just living in a world full of “sluts”, aren’t we? And how very sexist of you imply that “sluts”, generally used to describe a woman of questionable morals, are the primary cause of AIDS infections.

    You’ve just proven how badly AIDS education is STILL needed.

  92. Lesia

    (Lesia I don’t hate Catholics. Quite the opposite. That is why I don’t believe their religion should be mocked. It is because I like them so much that I wish they would stand up stronger when their religion is attacked.)

    The SoPI isn’t “attacking” their religion but ALL religious absurdity concerning AIDS. What good would it have done for them to dress up as Buddhist monks who are only second is recognition to catholic nuns when the Buddhist weren’t the ones attacking them or spreading false & deadly information about AIDS? The attacks were coming from the Xtains. Unless you just happen to unfortunately look like Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson or anyone of those other bible-thumping idiots how anybody supposed to know you are ridiculing religious nut cases? Everybody knows what nuns look like.

  93. Lesia

    (Lesia Obama took office in 2005 to the US Senate. Before that he was a state senator.

    Three years, and you think that is enough experience? You are the one looking at colour here.)

    How do you figure that one? To the best of *my* knowledge the only “colour” I see when it comes to Obama is BLUE! I haven’t even decided yet whether I am voting for him or Hilary, May primary here I have time.

    Good Leaders don’t always come from experience. We’ve got people who have been sitting up in the “great halls of government” since the Johnson Administration who I wouldn’t trust to lead a dog much less a Nation.

    By your standards of experience Nixon should have been one of our best leaders yet history shows his leadership was criminal and a failure.

    Martin Luther King had no leadership experience when he was caught up and push to the forefront of the Civil Rights Struggle during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. But he took it all to the Nobel Peace Prize and the signing of the Civil Rights Act in just 10 years.

    Nobody had “experience” in this type of Government when Washington was first elected and yet to this day when polls are taken concerning the Best Presidents he usually places in the top three. Its not uncommon that Washington, Jefferson and Adams are in the top ten. But by your standards at least Washington would never have been President and arguments could be made against the other two as well.

    Its MY country as well and I have spent these last 7 + years watching the Republicans rape and plunder it, destroying the goodwill we once had with other Nations while establishing a Terror-state within our borders. I see an idiot in the Oval Office who claims everything he does is to protect *us* from the “axis of evil” while holding bills hostage that would protect the least of us, our children, in order to have laws passed that will shelter him, his administration and their cronies from prosecution for their high crimes and misdemeanors both during and after leaving office. A man who *told* us to go shopping right after the greatest tragedy this Nation has ever know. Lied us into a war without asking once for us to make sacrifices as was always expected of us in the past under war while driving our troops to their very limits because he refuses to institute a draft due to the fact his own daughters would be subject to it this time round. Promised up Bin Laden’s head on a platter giving us Hussein’s instead who was a joke in the Middle-East at best. We may have lost almost 3,000 on 9/11 but the Middle-East has lost millions of people at the hands of Bin Laden & Al Qaeda. To date we have lost: 3952 American Service Personal, 307 coalition forces dead, over 700,00 Iraqis with the majority being NON-combatants at a cost of over 493,275,000,00 and climbing by the second. We roughly spend 720 million + a day on that illegal war and still no head of Bin Laden.

    The Democrats could do NO worse then what the Republicans have done to us in 7+ years.

  94. Lesia

    And Matt just as an aside, even though this board is supposed to be about a cute and funny little Canadian show that just happens to be about a group of Muslims, life is a small town, being slightly different and other nonsense there is every chance in the world that this site is one of those that is being heavily monitored be US agencies looking for terrorist. As totally paranoid and ridiculous as that would have sounded just a few years ago it is now ashamedly the norm. Smile, comb your hair and sit up straight, there’s no telling just whose office you’ll end up in. Make sure you have on clean underwear.

  95. Adara

    I like you, Lesia.
    You too, Nahida.
    Friends? 😀

  96. Nahida

    Hehe. Of course Adara. =) Forever and ever. =D

  97. Susan

    I don’t get it. This show is supposed to be funny, something humorous to brighten up your day. Where did all this come from!?! The very first comment is already politically charged. What happened to just enjoying the episode? So much arguing! @_@

  98. Lesia

    Sure Adara! Always happy to have a new friend. : )

  99. Lesia

    Susan thats a very good question!

    The formula behind this show isn’t new look at; Amen, Father Ted and Vicar of Dibley to name a few. None of those programs were thought of as controversial, just quirky little comedies. This one has to carry more on its shoulders. Not only does it have to be entertaining, and it is!, but it has to try and show North America that Muslims are just like the rest of us. Flawed, lovable, trying to live, make ends meet and raise a family the best way we can in troubled times.

  100. Matt

    “The SoPI isn’t “attacking” their religion but ALL religious absurdity concerning AIDS. ”

    Too bad they don’t attack Islam. Because if they do the Muslims would call a fatwa against them and they would be fearing for their lives.

    It is a cold hard fact that Islam gets more respect than Christianity in the West precisely because people fear Muslims and what they would do to them if they mocked them. I guess some times old fashion threats of violence does seem to have their place.

    If Catholics were known for killing those who mock them, they would never be treated with such disrespect.

  101. Nahida

    “If Catholics were known for killing those who mock them, they would never be treated with such disrespect.”

    Damn. All those crusades gone unnoticed. All those burnings and massacres. . .

    Ah, well.

  102. Susan

    Wow that was pretty disrespectful in and of itself [Matt, not Nahida].

    Oh, don’t forget Galileo and his house arrest!

  103. Lesia

    Matt are you *really* this ignorant or are you just trying to give me something to do?

    (If Catholics were known for killing those who mock them, they would never be treated with such disrespect.)

    Ever heard of the Cathars, Knights Templars, Inquisition or Crusades? Catholics have had a VERY bad habit of killing off people they didn’t like. Those people didn’t even have to mock them. And while they don’t get credit for it a lot of people died when they FAILED to send help to the Byzantine Empire as had been requested.

    (Too bad they don’t attack Islam. Because if they do the Muslims would call a fatwa against them and they would be fearing for their lives.

    It is a cold hard fact that Islam gets more respect than Christianity in the West precisely because people fear Muslims and what they would do to them if they mocked them. I guess some times old fashion threats of violence does seem to have their place.)

    Violence is *your* answer to everything isn’t it? You are one sick, sick, SICK person!!!

    You want this shame of a current administration to kill them all in Iraq and Afghanistan before the come over here and kill us but you are willing to let a few get through as long as they are only here to kill groups you don’t like. An Extremist is an Extremist no matter what and from what I can tell you are no different from Bin Laden and buddies. With attitudes like yours why should Xtianity get any respect?

  104. Nahida

    Matt, go read a book.

  105. Matt

    I am not talking about hundreds of years ago. My statement had to do with today!

    Yeah, if the SoPI had been around in Galileo times or during the crusades they would have been burnt at the stake.

  106. Samina

    Oh dear god. How did a 22 minute show generate all of the above. From wheat week we went to the US elections to Homosexuality which plenty other nonsense in between. Lighten up people!

    Nahida, Adara and Lesia – Always good to read your comments – Keep them coming!

  107. Lesia

    Matt you are living proof of this statement: “Anything that divides humanity breeds inhumanity and religion serves that ugly purpose well”.

    Read ALL of this;
    Its the most honest, well balanced view of Middle-East History I’ve found to date. This IS the history we all must learn instead of the crap forced down our throats by the so called “religious leaders”on all sides.

    Pray very hard Matt that when the Jews and Muslims do sit down and establish peace that both side will be tired of fighting. If ever both sides really sit down and talk they can lay ALL the past & current problems at the feet of England and Xtianty.

  108. Ted

    Here is the story about a School District that banned Halloween because some witches complained.

    So, yeah, special interest groups are destroying one cultural tradition after another so it is understandable why the citizens of Mercy saw the banning of “Wheat Week” as just one more incident of this.

  109. Nahida

    Of course it’s understandable Ted. And special interests groups often times are not even an accurate representation of whom they represent! The witches I know actually liek Halloween.

    I was just condemning Matt for attempting to save my soul.

  110. Matt

    A “slut” is a 9-12 girl raped is Africa because some native healer told the guy with AIDS you have to “screw” a virgin to cure it.

    Lesia, now you are changing the context of the discussion. I was discussing AIDS as it effects people in Western Society today.

    For us in Western society there is very little chance of the average person getting AIDS. Unless you are a slut, a druggy or if you are unfortunate enough to be raped by one.

    The whole conversation got started by mentioning the “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence. They mock Catholicism but unfortunately, unlike Muslims, Catholics don’t take to the streets nor issue death threats when they feel their religion has been disrespected.

  111. Lesia

    (Lesia, now you are changing the context of the discussion. I was discussing AIDS as it effects people in Western Society today.)

    No I am not. You threw out a general statement and I pointed out how idiotic that statement was. You do NOT get to go back now and change the context of your original statement to make me the villain.

    (For us in Western society there is very little chance of the average person getting AIDS. Unless you are a slut, a druggy or if you are unfortunate enough to be raped by one.)

    Are you sure about that?

    CDC not too long ago screwed up so bad they let a highly infectious man with XDR-TB, extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis travel half way around the world. The FDA is out there approving medication so fast only to turn around and demand it be taken right back off the shelves because they’ve relied on the company’s test instead of independent testing.

    Are you aware that AIDS like any other disease mutates? Or that there are strands that are XDR themselves?

    And how dare you think that only a “slut” get this disease! There are hundreds of faithfully married people who have gotten it from their cheating spouse. Hundreds of people who have gotten it from the very first time they slept with some one they thought was the one. And there is still that one unexplained case of the young lady who got it from her dentist. She Matt was a virgin until the day she died.

    It is NOT just a problem for the West but a GLOBAL problem. It must be stopped or contained before it finds a new way of transmission. And it is our duty as HUMANS to have compassion for those who have been effected and affected by this horrible disease!

  112. Lesia

    (The whole conversation got started by mentioning the “Sisters” … of Perpetual Indulgence. They mock Catholicism but unfortunately, unlike Muslims, Catholics don’t take to the streets nor issue death threats when they feel their religion has been disrespected.)

    The catholics didn’t have a problem with SoPI, the religious right wing NUTS do! Like you.

    The first “habits” were donated by real nuns. SoPI had been holding their famous bingo games in an old defunct catholic school and were splitting the “take” with the San Francisco Dioceses to help fund their many charities. At least they were until the fundamentalist, or as I like to call them the fundamentally challenged, brought down pressure on the Dioceses of San Francisco.

    And here is the kicker Matt, those right wing NUTS didn’t even step up and donate the money the San Francisco Dioceses is now LOSING without the SoPI Fabulous & Famous Bingo games. Those programs their half of the bingo money was going into helped to feed, clothe, house, provide clinics and affordable daycare to the poor. So much for freakin’ Xtain charity!

    And you *REALLY* need to knock this off; “unlike Muslims, Catholics don’t take to the streets nor issue death threats when they feel their religion has been disrespected.”

    It is ONLY the extremist who 1.) have no sense of humor 2.) want us all to live in a fascist state and/or 3.) believe violence is always the answer.

    YOU are disrespectful to the majority of Muslims who want nothing to do with ‘taking it to the streets and issuing death threats when they feel they have been disrespected’. Matt were that true I’d think from your posts alone you’d either be dead already or very soon but yet you show up everyday to post again.

    Matt you are the EXTREMIST! You want nothing more than for Xtians to rise up once more and storm the world by force. You will only be happy if we are all living under *your* brand of theocracy. But ask yourself this Matt, what if the Xtian theocracy in power is opposite your flavor of Xtainity? How long then before your own system of Xtainity become targeted for elimination in the same bloody and brutal manner you’d have the rest of us destroyed now?

  113. Nahida

    Matt you have a very shallow perspective. First you said you were talking about today and not a thousand years ago. Now you’re saying you were only referring to the West.

    First of all, YOU’RE the one changing context. Why else did it take you so long to address this? It seems very obvious to me that all this time you were looking for something to turn this around.

    We learn from history–you can’t just toss it aside because it’s the past. The past is constantly repeating–and it’s the same process over and over again:

    1. Target the outcasts of society, the mentally ill, the physically disabled, and everyone thinks “Oh well that’s too bad, but I do like this society better.” The Holocaust began with gypsies; the Witch Trials began with slaves and the homeless.
    2. Choose another group to target. Be sure this group is not the majority.
    3. Execute second targeting plan using propaganda (a grain of truth in a load of lies, and everyone thinks, “Well this part is true, so the rest of it must be.”)
    4. Ascend slowly to the upper class.

    and if we see it when it’s happening, we can finally get it right.

    And the entire world isn’t the West–and just because you’re living in the west doesn’t mean the occurances in other parts of the world doesn’t affect you. Whatever religion you are, whatever race, whatever country you’re a citizen of, you are not responsible for actions taken in the past, but you are for the future.

  114. Lesia

    (Here is the story about a School District that banned Halloween because some witches complained.

    So, yeah, special interest groups are destroying one cultural tradition after another so it is understandable why the citizens of Mercy saw the banning of “Wheat Week” as just one more incident of this.)

    Well… Halloween “tradition” changes from generation to generation anyway. Kids get out early from school now, in a lot of cases, so they can be off the streets by dark. In my day you didn’t go out before dark. In my fathers day it was mostly parties.

    OK so some Wiccans complained but where is the uproar over Xtian groups trying to outlaw Halloween since the late 80’s. From the article the Wiccans didn’t ask it be stopped just that it wasn’t as disrespectful to them as had been in the past.

    Maybe we should just hold out to see who protests next, ghosts or monsters.

  115. Nahida

    “Here’s an interesting movie about Islam.”

    I think you need to watch that again Matt. It said in the very beginning of the film itself that it was not about Muslims.

    “It is important to remember most Muslims are peaceful and do not support terror. This is not a film about them. This is a film about a radical worldview.”

    But of course, you’re one of those people who only notice what they WANT to.

  116. Lesia

    Nahida nails it again!!!

    This “film” isn’t about Islam but about EXTREMISTS. Religion means NOTHING to Extremists. Its is a tool that they warp and twist to advance their own perversions on others. A tactic that by your very own posts *you* support :
    February 11, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    Too bad they don’t attack Islam. Because if they do the Muslims would call a fatwa against them and they would be fearing for their lives.

    It is a cold hard fact that Islam gets more respect than Christianity in the West precisely because people fear Muslims and what they would do to them if they mocked them. I guess some times old fashion threats of violence does seem to have their place.

    If Catholics were known for killing those who mock them, they would never be treated with such disrespect.)

    YOUR own words out of just one of your posts didn’t sound any different to me than the hate speeches out of that film or the hate speeches I have heard from Hitler.

    Did you NOT get it? The gentleman on Bahrain TV pointing out the steps: “Fanaticism- Extremism-Violence- Terrorism”. Do you think that those steps ONLY apply to Muslims? Thats right out of Psychic/Sociology 101. Matt you are an Extremist calling for the next step, Violence. You are almost there, an Xtain Terrorist being born! Do you really think this will solve the problem? That it won’t end in WWIII? Remember as Einstein said “I don’t know how WWIII will be fought but WWIV will be fought with stick and stones.”

    I’m getting pretty SICK of every time you post a link its pornographic, obscene, offensive. First those pics about Folsom Street Fair and now this affront.

  117. Nahida

    “What’s wrong with cat people?!”


  118. Nahida

    oops wrong episode.

  119. Kim

    Nahida, Matt is wrong when he says Obama doesn’t have experience.

    Actually, he has been around politics for a long, long year.

    I recognized him from when he used to stick around St. Petersburg.

    It isn’t that he lacks experienced, no that’s not what concerns me is the nature of his game.

  120. Kim

    What concerns me is not that he lacks experience. It’s the nature of his game that concerns me.

    He proved himself for what he was when he was in St. Petersburg. There is no reason to be puzzled by him.

  121. Nathan

    Sorry, I posted this comment an episode too soon.

    Here is where it should have been posted.

    I am sad that the writers didn’t have the courage to do a follow-up on this episode during the last season.

    I guess they used up all their courage in season two.

    I would like to know if they did have Wheat Week the next year.

    A good episode would have been having Muslims from Toronto coming to Mercy to try to shut down the festival because they heard “how offensive to Muslims” it was. Yeah, I know it isn’t offensive to Muslims but once rumours like that get started they take on a life of the own and for the activist it soon doesn’t even matter if the event is offensive or not but instead is a blatant show of power. What matters is that the activist can prove that he can get his way.

    It would be great if the Mercy Muslims band together in defense of their community’s festival even though for most of them, newly arrived in the community, they don’t have the deep memories of this event that people who lived in Mercy their whole lives have of the festival. It would be great to see a minority, any minority, stand up not only when it effects them personally but when something effects the larger community. Especially, in cases where some group is claiming that they are destroying a tradition on their behalf when that’s not the case.

    Having Mercy’s Muslims stand up to the outsider Muslim group would show that Muslims could be just as loyal to their community as the next person. And in the end perhaps Rayyan (who herself grew up with Wheat Week) could tone down some of Ammar’s big city arrogance and contempt for Wheat Week and he too could learn how important local traditions are.

    (A big scene could be Ammar saying to the big wig Muslim activist guy “get out of my town”. That of course would be something profound for Ammar because up to this point Ammar has never considered Mercy to be “his town” but instead just the first stop along the way to a larger career.

  122. Nathan

    By the way, lots of communities in at least the United States are now cancelling their yearly summer festivals due to the tough economy.

    So, I wonder if Wheat Week did survive the budget cuts.

    And Sarah probably won’t be able to get any corporate support like she did in season two. Yeah, first there is the fact that corporations of course have less to donate due to the depression but also they wouldn’t want to use their limited funds on something so controversial that make them a target of those Toronto Muslims.

    So, Wheat Week is dead after what 50, 60 years or more. Replaced no doubt by the Mercy Street Fair. Now that SHOULD BE TOO CONTROVERSIAL, but that is the upside down world we live in in the West these days.

    Wheat Week – Too Controversial, had to be cancelled.

    Mercy Street Fair – Not controversial.

    Oh well perhaps now that Fatima is a citizen she can kick the mayor’s butt out of office the next election.

    Fatima is a woman just like the mayor but also she is a black, she is a Muslim, and the Mayor who won her election due to the political correctness of another generation is going to get her ass handed to her. And Fatima can’t even appoint her Secretary of State.

    Those who live by the sword die by the sword. The She-mayor won her elections way back last generation of political correctness because she is a woman, but Fatima has the 21st century hat trick when it comes to identity politics.

    I think it would be really funny to see the Mayor who had been a leftist all her political career now try to appeal to the “Joes” out there. Hillary tried something similar during her campaign. She was in the south and started talking with a southern accent which of course didn’t work and just offended those who she was trying to appeal to.

    Of course we don’t know if Joe himself lives in the city limits but I mean people like him who do live in the city like some of the lodge members most likely do.

    I believe Fred would help Fatima win because as a business owner she would probably be pro-business. And the whole Mercy Street Fair thing is what would motivate her to take the mayor out politically.

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