Episode 5 – Preview

Episode 5 – “The Convert”

Synopsis:  The mosque has a new white converted member and this leads to much discussion among the populace of Mercy and causes a few problems.  

Coming Wednesday February 14th 2007 !

Have you had any issues with a new convert? Was there a contraversy controversy at your mosque over a convert?


Filed under Episode 5

44 responses to “Episode 5 – Preview

  1. The term convert always reminds me of convict for some reason. Although I haven’t seen the show I hope the muslims don’t scare him away from islam or even worst make him feel like he is convicted to islam. Who ever writes the episodes, they may want to check some other message boards where muslims are taking comedy…well.. Seriously.

    I like the way you give people a chance to feedback, you have a muslim cult classic on your hands. Will the DVD be ready by eid al fitr? your writers could use some raw ideas from the ummah, we are here to help. 🙂

  2. IOL

    Zarqa Nawaz will be talking to IOL on Valentine’s Day, 9 am to 10:30 am Saskatschewan time. Come ask questions!


  3. M


    Oh me, oh my:);)!!

    Us ‘cons’ come in all shapes and sizes, with baggage claim checks and unchecked from our ‘past’ life:)!!

    Each convert is different. Some are sane, some are not. Some are in the middle. Some stay, some go.

    Keep in mind this happens to ALL faith based communities, not just Muslims/Islam.

    Many newbies throw their hearts and souls into their communities. They contribute much. But they also can endanger their fragile new faith beginnings by burning out. Sometimes ya gotta step back, take a breather, pray at home, limit yourself in social/community activities. Delegate. Inshallah, the will to survive is strong.

    Two issues that bug me to no ends are when converts all of a sudden change their speech patterns. They talk with an “Arab,” or “insert nationality here” accent. And they deny their own culture.

    The Qur’an teaches us that the peoples of the world are made of many different tribes, languages, cultures. We are to learn from them, not to deny them. When it does not contradict Islam it is nothing to be ashamed of or rejected.

    And remember, Khadijha (May Allah bless her) was the first convert, Alhumdulillah. What an excellent example to follow!!

    Also, recommended reading: “Believing as Ourselves,” by Jennifer Lynn Jones. (A book written by a convert to Islam. It is reality.)

    And this piece I have saved for a few years sent via email, titled,


    Convertitis – or the Case of the Insta-Scholar
    American convert Saraji Umm Zaid cautions new Muslims about the dangers of extremism and absolutism
    What is Convertitis?
    Convertitis is a highly contagious disease, which
    spreads rapidly among converts to Islam, particularly those who are experiencing great amounts of confusion, but who don’t think they are. (Also commonly known as The Case of the Insta-Scholar)

    The Case of the Insta-Scholar Jane who took her
    shahada last week. She was a “regular American” who studied a little about Islam, hemmed and hawed over the dress and dietary codes, decided it was the truth, and accepted it into her life. Many sisters in the community looked forward to helping Jane learn the basics of Islam, such as the salat, the five pillars, the six articles of faith, and so on. Now, this week, we see that Jane has changed her name to “Ai’sha,” is wearing full niqaab [black only], buying everything (even potato chips– which she may stop buying as it is “imitation
    of the kufar”) from the halal market, getting into
    interfaith debates at her job, using a miswak, telling the other sisters what they “ought to be doing,” and what they are “doing wrong,” and considering accepting a marriage proposal to be a co-wife.

    What Are the Symptoms of Convertitis?
    The new Muslim who is suffering from this terrible disease is easily recognizable within the community. You will notice a radical change in appearance, almost immediately: from “regular clothes” to full niqaab or kufi and thobe. Often walking around with a miswak. Starts peppering their language full of Arabic-isms they either don’t really know or can’t pronounce. Almost immediately, they talk at great length about their “Islamic Identity,” and their “Muslim-ness”. In every incident, they will see an “Anti-Muslim” bias
    that didn’t exist previously [and probably doesn’t
    exist currently]. They often argue points of Islamic
    fiqh with anyone and everyone– from the fellow new shahada to the valedictorian of Al-Ahzar. [of course, they don’t know what “fiqh” is…] The most serious symptom is that everything is black and white: what they view as good is truth, and what they don’t understand is bad, bid’a, haram, whatever. They view themselves as the sole practitioners of “True Islam,” and pass into judgement millions of others. AbdulHakim Murad explains here, the “serious side” of convertitis:
    “The initial and quite understandable response of many new comers is to become an absolutist. Everything going on among pious Muslims is angelic; everything outside the circle of faith is demonic. The appeal of this outlook lies in its simplicity. The newly arranged landscape on which the convert looks is seen in satisfying black and white terms of Them versus Us, good against evil.”
    Oftentimes, when approached by other Muslims about this behavior, they become defensive. Those suffering from Convertitis will exhibit a marked lack of interest in any lectures, books, programs, etc. having to do with Islamic history, Fiqh, or spirituality, while their interests in things like “The Hijab Debate,” and “Muslim vs. Christian” is noticeably high. Most new Muslims, however, soon see through this. Those individuals who adopt Islam because they need an identity will be condemned to wander the sectarian and factional hall of mirrors, constantly looking for the perfect group that will give them their desperately needed sense of specialness and superiority. …Those who come to Islam seeking an identity will find the multiplicity of traditional Muslim cultures intolerable. People with confused identities are attracted to totalitarian solutions. And today, many young Muslims feel so threatened by the diversity of calls on their allegiance, and by the sheer complexity of modernity, that the only form of
    Islam they can regard as legitimate is a totalitarian,
    monolithic one. That there should be four schools of Islamic law is to them unbearable. That Muslim
    cultures should legitimately differ is a species of
    blasphemy. What Are the After Effects of Convertitis? The after effects of this seriously contagious disease are many: ranging from sudden humility to disillusionment and ultimately, leaving the deen. Some people are able to get right back up again after being knocked off of their high horse, only this time, with the knowledge that they don’t know anything. Others are unable to dust themselves off, and are immersed in such a state of confusion that they may end up leaving Islam entirely.

    How Can I Protect Myself From Convertitis?
    Unfortunately, convertitis is so contagious and
    widespread that it seems that every shahada suffers from it at one point of another. For some, they recover almost immediately, while others live under the delusion of convertitis for the rest of their lives. If you are a new convert, the best way to protect yourself is to realise that you know nothing, and to remind yourself of this fact every day. All the Islamic knowledge that you initially gain is in English, and is by default, off-base. You are forced to rely on other people’s translations, which is also chock full of “opinion.” Until you have a working knowledge of classical Arabic and its grammar, you will not be able to even consider becoming a scholar, you will not be eligible to issue Islamic rulings, you will not be eligible to administer shari’a law, nothing. Force yourself to remember that such a state takes years, a lifetime, to achieve. Some people never recover from their initial “Insta Scholarliness.” They continue their entire lives like this, devoid of any real soul searching efforts to get “at the truth.” They depend so heavily on rule books to govern every part of their lives that the end up missing the essence of Islam, which can not be found in any book. Ultimately, they become convinced of their spiritual superiority, and dismiss all others. These young people, who haunt our mosques and shout at any sign of disagreement are either ignorant of Muslim history, or dismiss it as a giant mistake. For them, the grace and rahma of Allah has for some reason been withheld from all but a tiny fraction of the Ummah. These people are the elect and all in disagreement with them is a blasphemy against God.

    Convertitis or the “Insta Scholar” syndrome is a
    serious one. I’d venture to say that just about
    everyone experiences it at one point. Unfortunately, for some, they never realise that they know nothing, and walk around thinking they are scholars. This causes great problems, as it not only poses a danger to other new shahadas, but the ceaseless arguing causes great divisions within the Muslim community. For those of you who are currently experiencing said malady [but don’t think you are], please remember that
    any bad knowledge, any false knowledge, and any bid’a that you pass onto another Muslim, you are responsible for that. If you don’t want the misguidance of another person to bear on your record, then you take a second, and then a third breath before you tell someone what they “ought to be” doing.

    How Do I Handle the Insta-Scholar?
    The best way to deal with those suffering from
    Convertitis is gently. Arguing with the insta Scholar only reinforces in their minds that they are somehow, the sole guardians of the truth. If someone you know is suffering from this terrible disease, steer them away from interfaith debates as often as you can. And make du’a, make du’a, make du’a. All quotes in italics appeared in the essay “British and Muslim” by Abdul Hakim Murad. Everything else is Copyright, 1998-2001, Saraji Umm Zaid. Visit the website of Saraji Umm Zaid.
    Ash Shahada – helping new Muslims to live their lives Islamically.

    My apologies for this lengthy post. Here’s hoping readers will not be ticked off by it, but receive benefit, Inshallah.

    (Any mistakes are of my own.)

    Salam to All –

  4. farah

    I’ve had a potential convert come into my Mosque not knowing anything about Islam pick up a few pamphlets wearing a mini-skirt at the Juma’aa prayer. It wasn’t her fault really, because I’m sure someone told her to come to the Mosque on Friday but didn’t tell her the required etiquette. So, please if you don’t want any contraversy at your local Mosque, tell the people inquiring about Islam some of the dos and don’ts when coming to a Mosque.

  5. Tom


    Thanks for the informative post.

    I have a few questions. What is a Miswaq? What is meant by Fiqh?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. M

    Salam Tom,

    A ‘miswaq’ is an organic toothbrush:

    Here is some add’l info if interested:


    “Fiqh” is roughly translated as, “Understanding the application of the Islamic Law and how to formulate new rulings.

    No pun intended – suggested reading:

    “The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Understanding Islam,” by Yahiya Emerick. (This book is usually available in most public libraries.) (I/this idiot;) owns this book. It is a great help/useful:)

    Also, any book by Karen Armstrong. She is a wonderful scholar who practices respect to all religions.

    For a good read, that is, well written, thoughtful, interesting, historical, etc. “The Road to Mecca,” by Muhammad As’ad. (A Jewish convert to Islam from the early 1900’s. He was also a journalist, so his writing is great. He met the dudes when Saudi first became “Saudi Arabia,” from the house of Saud, etc. Got lost in sand dunes, etc.

    Sorry for the long lecture, not intended. Just think it is great to share education, not out to convert anyone. To each his own:)

    (And FYI I am a native English speaker. Don’t speak a lick of Arabic except for my prayers and a few phrases of greetings, etc. I am ashamed to say. Any mistakes are of my own.)

    Salam to All –

  7. CanadianMuslim

    “Have you had any issues with a new convert? Was there a contraversy at your mosque over a convert?”

    Nope! In fact, at my Islamic centre we LOVED our converts/reverts! Haha… it was funny how they’d be so shocked about being swarmed by everyone as soon as they walked through the door – the enthusiastic hugs and kisses on each cheek. But they got used to it…

    The funniest thing, though, was that afterwards they’d complain about gaining weight because of all the dinners they’d be invited to!

    P.S. (It’s spelled ‘controversy’)

  8. Alidost

    “Have you had any issues with a new convert?”

    Some converts think that becoming Muslim means becoming an Arab, hence they change their names and start dressing in Arab garments.
    Yusuf Islam and Hamza Yusuf are two examples. Both are great and wonderful people, but are confused about being a Muslim versus being an Arab.

    “Miswaq” or “Miswak” or “Siwak” is a form of tooth brush made of a treebranch. Some converts to Islam (and some Saudi Muslims) somehow think that it’s a requirment and use it in public areas mostly right before the prayer, which is really disgusting.

    Fiqh is the field of juresprudence in Islam. Literaly it means “deep thinking and deep understanding”.
    There are a few schools of Fiqh:
    Maliki (North Africa)
    Hanbali (Arabian countries in the Persian Gulf region)
    Hanafi (Majority of Muslims are Hanafi, they are also in Pakistan and India)
    Shafii (Some Persian Gulf regions and the Sunnis in Iran)
    Ja’afari (Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, parts of Afghanistan)
    Abadhi (Mostly in Oman)

    Their differences are in nitty gritty details.

    Recently the Fiqh of “Salafi” has emerged, which is also labeled as “wahhabi” by their critics.

  9. M


    Regarding converts thinking they are wannabe Arabs:

    It is true that this happens but…we go through many alterations during our journeys of faith.

    As do ‘born’ Muslims…

    It is the diplomatic, educated ‘Arab’ or ‘fill in the ethnic background here’ Muslims in the community who are able to guide and protect the new converts down this rocky path. Being patient helps too.

    And regarding –

    “Yusuf Islam and Hamza Yusuf are two examples. Both are great and wonderful people, but are confused about being a Muslim versus being an Arab.”

    I’ve met them. They are not confused about their identities.

    No offense intended, maybe you (Alidost) have been influenced by the media’s portrayal of them?

    They do know who they are, and who and how they deal with in their immediate communities and beyond.

    And Allah knows the truth.

    Any mistakes are of my own.

    Salam to All –

  10. Alex

    After 9-11 I would wonder why any white guy would want to become a Muslim.

    And the only answer I can figure is that they have issues with their own country. Perhaps it goes deeper than that. I heard of a guy who became a Muslim because his father was gay.

  11. Alex

    The only reason a white guy would want to become a Muslim is because he likes upsetting people. In a way he isn’t much different than a guy who dyes his hair red and wears it like a spike.

    He feeds off of his antisocial behavior. Be him some punk rocker, some gang banger with his pants falling down, or some Muslim he likes the anger he causes when people see him.

    It is really funny though when middle class whites try to rebel by acting all black and such. They start talking about their homies and word to your mamma and all that street slang they hear in hip hop music videos. In the end they just look pathetic. They are called wiggers

  12. Thanks for the comments, Alex. I had a good laugh at them. I know you weren’t trying to be funny, but you are in a clueless sort of way. I should put them on my blog for all the other white male American Muslims who visit there. They’ll have a good laugh too, insha’allah.

  13. Jamil

    I have not read all of the comments. Perhaps I am echoing some elses sentiments. Unlike other religions Islam doesn’t allow airing of problems with non-Muslims. This at times allows others to brand how Muslims think and feel. Neo-conservatives in America scoff at those who do not share the same ideological, unchanging viewpoints they possess, and are unable to have a productive and serious discussion with someone from the “other side” without becoming callous and condescending. They help to promote anti-Islamic emotions It’s a shame their viewpoints about Islam are often incorrect. I believe that Little Mosque can help to enlighten non-Muslims on the fact we are not so different from them. Ending, I would just like to say that the show is fantastic! I love it. I think it’s an important and as it is funny.

  14. Jamil


    Oh..I almost forgot. I’m living in Japan so I can only see the show on YouTube. When will Episode 6 air? Please email if you are able. Insha’Allah.


  15. Shazia

    Interview with Zarqa Nawaz on 14 feb 07

    Little Mosque: How Far Can Funny Go?


  16. Jamil:

    You can always subscribe to the posts via email. You can find the subscription option in the top right navigation (Subscribe to Little Experiences … by Email).

    Hope that helps.

  17. I want to know how many people came to islam by way of the autobiography of malcolm x?

    I’m so tempted to post my own little mosque episodes on here, but you know they will shut the black man down *fist in the air.

    I remember when I took my shahadah, that was the nicest I had ever been treated by muslims that were not of my personal background, and no alex it was not in prison.

    I’m happy more white folx coming to islam, alex if you call them sand wiggers I will roast you like fatima’s traditional goat.

  18. Alex

    Islam is just the latest way white kids have found to protest, be anti-social, stick it to Mom and Dad, etc. Children often rebel in their teen years and their early adulthood. Some more than others and you have a small number who really go to extremes in their rebelling

    In the 1960s it was dressing up as hippies. In the 1980s it was dressing up as punk rockers with spiked hair and stuff. In the 1990s it was dressing up like some black rapper (like Vanilla Ice who was the ultimate wigger). And you have your Goths who like to dress up strange as well and pretend they are vampires and stuff like that.

    So, Islam is the latest fad for these rebelling white kids. That will soon pass as they find another way to bug Mom and Dad and stick it to society at large.

  19. Waleed

    I just finished watching this episode. It was amazing. It’s the best one so far. I love how the convert dresses up like Babar. LoL. and the ending.. thats so ironic. loved it

  20. Someone more extreme than Barber! That was exponentially hilarious.

    Got a peek at the next episode, seems like it will be even funnier.

  21. Ms. Iman

    I could hear some folks panties bunching while watching this one. I already know plenty of folks on the message board I frequent are going to have something negative to say.

    Personally, I’d say it was definately one of the better episodes.

    I can kinda relate to “spiritual shopping”. Grew up Catholic (well sort of, never really devout), started searching for something that wasn’t such a load of…well I didn’t like the whole secrecy, “We do this because it’s the way it’s ALWAYS been done” attitude I found there at every turn. I visited churches and kingdom halls and couldn’t find what I wanted. Had a muslim friend who gave me some info, visited some of their friends and a some classes the Imam held and decided that was what was right for me. Spiritual shopping isn’t necessarily a BAD thing, it can just take time to find the right faith that fits you and it can make you seem just a *tad* on the flighty side.

    When I saw what the subject of this week’s episode was I had a “OH! She went THERE!” moment. Most people I know wouldn’t address it if it were right in their face. She gets a massive kudos for have the guts to talk about what the rest of the Islamic world tries to sweep under the rug!

    I’m a fan for life.

  22. Sean

    I hope someone from the government is keeping an eye on Babar. He could be a real danger to society.

  23. Come on, Sean, he’s comic relief! How’d we get through the cold, long winters without his absurd statements?!

  24. Islam is just the latest way white kids have found to protest, be anti-social, stick it to Mom and Dad, etc. Children often rebel in their teen years and their early adulthood.

    While I agree with your latter sentence, that children often rebel against their parents, society, etc., at that stage in their life, your first sentence is completely off-the-mark, at least in my experience. I’ve yet to meet any person of any race or ethnicity who reverted to Islam for the reasons you’ve mentioned. The vast majority of the reverts to Islam whom I’ve met (white, black or otherwise) were in their late 20s at the youngest and had no reason to “rebel,” having long passed out of that stage of immaturity. (I myself reverted to Islam at the age of 39.) While all of us have our own reasons for reverting, the vast majority of us revert for the sake of Allah (swt). (Ooooh, now there’s a novel concept.)

    Keep up with the jokes, Alex; you’re a laugh-a-minute.

  25. Alex what better way to stick it to mom and dad by praying 5 times a day, fasting, shunning alcohol and unsafe sex? I guess you prefer a joint, a ham sandwich and porn for teens instead?

  26. Sean

    Don’t most blacks convert to Islam in prison? At least in North America, I mean.

  27. Ethan

    They should have an episode where Babar’s cousins come visit him from the old country.

    While staying with him they reveal that they are in Canada to commit a terrorist attack. Not in Mercy itself but some other place like Regina or Toronto.

    It’s not like they ask Babar to participate in the terrorist attack, but still he knows that they are going to do it.

    So, does Babar report his cousins to Canadian authorities or does family loyalty win out?

  28. Adam


    That premise has already been done a million times in movies. It will only add fuel to the line of thought that all Muslims are terrorists. We don’t usually see the circumstances involving a “convert” or a “barrier”. If you can come up with a premise like that, than I’d be all for it.

  29. CMG

    This show is just fantastic. I love how it has not only Muslim flair, but a distinctly Canadian feel to it as well. The episode about the convert was hilarious. Can’t wait for the rest of the episodes, and I really hope CBC keeps this series going! (and credit to CBC for taking a chance with the show–I don’t know of any other North American network that would have had the guts) 🙂

  30. Ethan

    All Muslims aren’t terrorists but all Muslims know someone who is a terrorist or at least knows someone who knows a terrorist.

    It is just like the Italian immigrant community in North America in the early 20th century. Sure, they weren’t all members of the Mafia but all of them knew who the members of the Mafia were, or at least knew someone who had contacts within the Mafia.

  31. Alex

    On the Sopranos Tony once was talking to his psychiatrist about the the first time he ever saw his Dad beat someone up. Later the police arrested Tony’s father on some parole violation. His father made bail and he was a hero to the whole community for standing up to the police.

    One of first ones to congratuate him was the guy he beat up. The reason was because while he might have had problems with Tony’s Dad both he and Tony’s Dad were Italians and because of that when it came to outsiders like the police they stood together.

    There’s a saying in my country “Blood is Thicker than Water”. And I am afraid that is what is going on within North America’s Muslim community. Sure, like with the Mafia, some of it is fear, but I also think much of it is that while they might not agree with what the terrorists are doing, still they feel unity with the terrorists and feel its wrong for a Muslim to “rat out” another Muslim.

  32. All Muslims aren’t terrorists but all Muslims know someone who is a terrorist or at least knows someone who knows a terrorist.

    Ethan, you’re as funny as Alex… and just as wrong. Sorry to burst your fantasy, but being Muslim isn’t like being in the Mafia. We don’t necessarily know who the terrorists are, nor do we know someone who knows who the terrorists are. Your statement is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part.

  33. Sean

    Now that would be an interesting show.

    A terrorist sleeper cell leader in North America who goes to a psychiatrist.

  34. Sean wrote: “Don’t most blacks convert to Islam in prison?”

    This assumes that most blacks have been in prison. This is not the case.

    Many blacks become Muslim in prisons, yes; many blacks also become Muslim without ever having been in prison.

  35. Ethan

    I didn’t say being Muslim is like being in the Mafia. I sald being a Muslim is like being a member of the Italian immigrant community in the early to mid 20th century.

  36. Ethan, are you for real or are you trying to be funny? It’s hard for me to take you serious when you try to speak for 1.2 billion people, as if we’re all related and someone down our family tree is a terrorist lying in wait. I really want you to repeat your last statement out loud so you can truly hear how weird you sound.

    Sean, most African Americans do NOT convert to Islam in prison. Most of African Americans are under Imam Warrith Deens leadership which is comprised of middle – to upper middle class, college educated African Americans now into their 3rd – 4th generation being born Muslim. The rest do so in college or were influenced by social aware hip-hop of the early 90’s which fostered in popular rappers who promoted Islam. This was especially true when the Malcolm X movie debuted. At the time it seems like everyone around me converted or all the Muslims who where in the closet suddenly came out and professed their faith. I was only in the 10th grade at the time.

    Converting to Islam in jail is mostly a survival tactic. It will insure no one rapes you or turns you into a slave. When they finish serving their time most go back to doing what they did before they where sent to jail. However, a small few took the teachings seriously, purified their hearts and came out men ready to serve their communities and mentor boys to insure that they don’t make the same mistakes they made in their youth. Imam Talib, Imam Musa, Imam Zaid Shakr, Imam Abdul Malik from NY, Imam Abdul Malik from DC, Imam Abdul Malik from Oakland, Imam S. Wahaj from New York might be the most popular African American Imams in the states right now and all but 1 is college educated. 2 from this list have been to jail and out of these 2 only 1 served time. Every article that talks about the rise of Islam in prison and then tries to relate it in a way where Muslims from jail will some day flood out into the streets is suspect at most and out right lies the next. I just don’t see all these x-jail Muslims at the Masjid. I think maybe they mix Nation of Islam, and 5%’s up with Muslims. Everyone that calls themselves Muslims isn’t really a Muslim in the orthodox since of the word. If you go to ANY Muslim mosque in the inner city or where the congregation is mostly African American you will find that 80% where born Muslim. I might be reaching but MAYBE 20% found Islam in jail and are still practicing the deen.

    God Knows Best

  37. “most popular African American Imams in the states right now and all but 1 is college educated. ”

    I meant to say all but 1 ISNT college educated.

    They all have BA’s and some have serveral BA’s from around the word and master degrees.

  38. Ethan,

    feel free to apply your own standards to your own family and friends and the branches from the trees that connect them all to the next terrorist cell. There is no hikma in your assertions.

    My family isn’t in to self oppression, we plan on sticking around and enjoying every second we have here one earth InshaAllah. Perhaps, work on protecting our place in the next word by doing as many good deeds as we can.

  39. I sald being a Muslim is like being a member of the Italian immigrant community in the early to mid 20th century.

    Regardless. Either way, you’re still wrong.

  40. Ethan Smith

    There are people in your community who you know or at least highly suspect are part of terrorist cells but you don’t want to “rat them out”. Because while you might not agree with what they are doing, Muslims stick together and don’t rat each other out to outsiders.

  41. Ethan: These are merely speculations on your part, and wrong ones at that.

  42. Krista

    “There are people in your community who you know or at least highly suspect are part of terrorist cells but you don’t want to “rat them out”. Because while you might not agree with what they are doing, Muslims stick together and don’t rat each other out to outsiders.”

    By your logic, all Catholics know IRA firebombers. I mean really…think about it, dude.

  43. FZ

    Farah-The last time my husband went to our local mosque here in Chicago for Friday prayer, the imam gave a lecture calling certain women “prostitutes.” It seems some Muslim men who attend the mosque had brought some women who wished to convert to the mosque a few days previous, and the imam didn’t like the way they were dressed and sent them away. So he devoted his Friday sermon to ranting about how they were “prostitutes” based on their dress (completely ignoring the fact that they wanted to convert). My husband was really disgusted by this and that was the last time he went to that mosque.

  44. Sara

    Why is it when a person converts or reverts to Islam it is like he has committed a Crime, and when a Someone converts to Christianity it is like the person is Mother Teresa.

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